23| New Mission, To Sweun

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Akira skids back on the stone floor, him crashing into a stone pillar as he slowly got up. Breathing heavily, he continued to stare down his new teacher, Esdeath, the Empire's Strongest.

Ice fragments were all over the floor, those being from Akira's shattered ice blade. It was now morning, both Esdeath and Akira sparring for the whole night. As decided, Akira had given Esdeath an entertaining spar last night. So as promised, the icy general said she'd train him with his ice powers, only should he come to the Capital again or should they encounter each other in the field.

Akira goes to conjure another ice sword, but he grips his arm in slight pain. His arm felt a little numb, and so did his hand.

Esdeath: "Hmm...it seems that conjuring ten ice swords is your limit, and erupting those ice spikes to attack me from the front twice seems to be how much you can use those. Tell me, are you able to control your output?"

Akira: (breathing heavily) "No...I can't necessarily control how much I can output."

Esdeath: "Then before I can properly train you, you need to extend your limit on how ice you can produce. And increase your stamina. Erupting those ice spikes and ice blasts severely decrease your stamina, hence making you a hindrance on the battlefield."

The icy blue-eyed teen thought back to his battle with Weneg. He didn't necessarily know how to control how strong or how weak he should make his ice, but he did use quite a lot of ice. Like he used his ice to create an ice wall, but Weneg had easily smashed right through it. It goes to show he needs to learn how to control how much power he should put in to his ice.

Esdeath: "Yes, your ice weapons make for a versatile weapon, but from what I've noticed, you tend to put too much power in all of your ice that you end up depleting your stamina quite frequently. The stamina you have now is quite suitable for an assassin, but for the scale of your ice attacks of that caliber to be quite strong, you'll need to increase it."

Akira: "And how would I do that?"

Esdeath: "There are many ways to increase stamina. But, what most people tend to do are training and exercise. Those two things are what you do everyday with what I can assume of your profession."

Akira: "Right..."

Green: "Hey, Akira! 

Akira: "Huh? Green?"

Green: "They're calling for an emergency meeting!"

Esdeath: "It seems our discussion has come to an end. Remember what I said, Akira."

Nodding his head in understanding, heading over to Green. As they made their way over to where they needed to go, which was the meeting room where Gozuki was waiting, Green was currently bombarding Akira with questions as to how he was training with Esdeath. 

Arriving at the meeting room, Akame and Gozuki were on opposite ends. Akira, Green, and Kurome were sitting on one side with Natala, Gin, and Poney on the opposite side.

Gozuki: "The primary funding for the rebellious faction comes from black market trade with other countries. They trade primarily in salt, with tea coming in a close second. We need to pinpoint their route and derail it. I'd also like to take out their salt works."

Green: "Despite the number of spies we've sent in, they still haven't come up with any leads?"

Akira: "What kind of enemy are we dealing with? The Oarburgh again?"

Gozuki: "We're dealing with a very capable enemy here. But they did isolate one suspicious location." (looks to Akira) "And as for your question, we're not sure yet." 

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