36| Retribution Group Vs. Elite Seven

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Green, Poney, and Kurome stood in shock. Not only were their opponents were people they've encountered, or rather people that have a bone to pick with them, they have two of their allies who were considered dead. Sweat pooled down the three's faces as Najasho and Akira were releasing killing intent, staring down their former teammates.

While Kurome and Poney were distracted at staring at Akira, Meela and Lorris had rushed in at the two of them. The two girls of the Elite Seven were quickly alerted, turning their attention to the twin girls as they dodge attacks from their dual blades. But Poney and Kurome let out small grunts of pain. Lorris and Meela were quick enough to graze them on their arms, shocking the three assassins of the Empire. As Green watched with shock, he was interrupted from his thought process, turning his attention to Akira.

The icy blue-eyed teen had rushed forward, drawing Gin's sword off his back. Green was about to go on the defensive before Akira turned his head to Mudi, his head motioning for him to go stand guard at his side. So Akira quickly side-stepped, him heading back to Mudi and standing next to Najasho, his sword resting on his shoulder.

Mudi: "Give them gruesome deaths, everyone...like you did those spies!"

Lorris: "It's another race, sis! Let's see who can execute the most garishly!"

Meela: "You're on. Let the brutality begin!"

Poney: (tick mark) "Don't get cocky with us!"

Kurome: "You're the ones who will be executed."

Mudi then orders Akira and Najasho to charge at Kurome and Poney to kill them. The two do so, leaving Mudi vulnerable. Green took this chance and unleashed his Shingu, Sidewinder. However, Najasho was quick to notice this, the blonde teen turning to Akira. Akira simply nods his head, Najasho nodding back as he rushes back to Mudi, knocking the attacking end of Sidewinder away with his Shingu, Water Dragon Sword.

Mashiro stood off to the side, a good distance away from them, whipping out a revolver that looked similar to Prometheus. She fired a shot, but Green was able to dodge it, shocking Mashiro.

Mudi: "It's pointless, boy."

Mashiro: "Actually, it isn't. By attacking you, he's restricting one of your doll's movements, and you let the other one have a bit more freedom. Not only that, he's figured out my gun's pattern so as to crack his whip after I've fired it."

Mudi: "He really is one of the assassins who took out our comrades."

Green: (thoughts) 'They've figured out my tactic...but that's not all.'

Mudi: "It is still no use. Even if you focus on me, the sisters and your old comrade will kill your friends. A person's grudge! It's an immeasurable source of power!"

Over with Kurome, the black-haired girl was struggling. Not only was she having to deal with Meela constantly trying to strike her and kill her, she was also having to deal with Akira. She knew of his skill, considering he was ranked No. 2 and was personally trained by Gozuki, as well as Esdeath.

Kurome parries one of Meela's blades, but the Oarburgh girl had the other, slashing Kurome's shoulder. Akira then came in from the side, doing a spinning kick as he sends Kurome skidding across the ground, crashing into a tree. Meela laughed with glee as she goes for a killing blow, but Kurome was quick to recover, her slashing her katana as she parries the two attacks from Meela, the Oarburgh girl having to head back and stand next to Akira.

Meela: "We're wearing you down, slowly but surely. This is punishment by fine mincing. The suffering of losing our loved ones felt as if our bodies were being torn to shreds. So I want you to feel the same way!"

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