15| Into The Tomb

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In the last chapter, I stated that the three Gravekeepers that Green attacked died. They were actually knocked out. So went back and changed it. Oh, and a word of warning. This chapter has bits of rape and stuff, so...yeah...you've been warned.


Green and Akame stood across from their opponent, the black haired boy having just eliminated three of the Gravekeepers that came across them. The high-ranking Gravekeeper simply squinted his eyes.

Gravekeeper: "You seem to be different from the others I've fought so far."

The Gravekeeper then jumps into the air, his body now changing. His limbs began to sprout feathers, them now taking the shape of a bird's wings. His toenails were now the talons, him now having long legs.

Akame: (shocked) "He can turn into a bird...!"

Green: "We have to do something to bring him down to the ground."

Gravekeeper: "It's actually more trouble that you only knocked out my teammates. So you're planning on taking them back alive to get information out of them...then I'll just have to finish you off and collect you."

Green: "He's going to charge us!"

The transformed man dashes through the air, Green using his whip to attack him. The whip goes in a spiral like motion, Green attempting to thrash it at him. But the Gravekeeper dodged it with ease, shocking Green as the enemy heads for him. He then extends his claw forward, attempting to grab Green's face.

Gravekeeper: "You're first...!"

Akame: "Not on my watch."

The Gravekeeper looked shocked that Akame had moved in front of Green at high speeds. He lunged his talons forward, going to slash the red-eyed girl. But Akame quickly unsheathes her Shingu, blocking the attacks as the Gravekeeper backs off, clicking his tongue.

Gravekeeper: "How can you move so quickly without even having a secret art...!?"

Green: "You saved me, Akame. Now we definitely have him."

Akame: "Yeah."

Not sure what the two meant, the Gravekeeper looked down. His eyes widened as he sees that his foot was being wrapped by Green's Shingu. The glasses boy had done that when the Gravekeeper was distracted by Akame. He tries to get it off him, but was pulled down when Green reeled his arm down, the Gravekeeper desperately flapping his wings to get away.

Taking this chance opportunity, Akame leapt off a rock and got behind the Gravekeeper. She prepped her Shingu for an attack.

Akame: "You're mine!"

Gravekeeper: (grits teeth) "This teamwork...these guys are...!"

Using the end of the handle, Akame hits the back of the Gravekeeper's head, sending him downwards as he crashes into the ground. Now knocked out and successfully captured, Akame and Green high-five at their handiwork.

Green: "Nice attack."

Akame: "We were in sync." (thoughts) 'I can count on Green, even in a real battle...'

Green: (thoughts) 'Score! I got to impress Akame...and I never lost my cool...!"

Akame: (confused) "G-Green? Your nose is bleeding."

Green: "Uh! Oh, I'm f-fine! I just got so excited from the fighting...it's nothing!" (thoughts) 'Gwah! I went from being someone she can rely on to someone who gets a nosebleed over the excitement of the fight!'

Akame: (sweat drops) "O-Okay...just so long as you're not hurt..."

With Kurome, Natala, and Gin...

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