13| Preparations

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Kurome and her team had lost one of their members, Balluck, to the Gravekeepers. The current number was Kurome herself, Natala, and Gin. 

At the moment, the three of them were looking for a way to escape the Gravekeepers and possibly make it back to their base camp. 

Gin: "Well this isn't a big problem, it's just like any other day."

Natala: "We should immediately return to base."

Kurome goes into her pocket, pulling out a map for the three of them to see. They continued to walk along their current path as they tried to figure out which way they should go.

Kurome: "But which path should we take?"

Natala: "We just have to choose the shortest path, this is the enemy's territory after all."

Gin: "Yeah, rather than just go in circles, going with the most straightforward path is best."

Natala: "First, we just have to get out of this area..."

???: "None of you are going anywhere, all of you will become my spoils of war!"

The three were alarmed at the sudden voice. They turned around, weapons at the ready. Behind them was one of the Gravekeepers, Arathi.

Arathi: "No matter where you hide, I'll find ya and your relatives through your scent!"

Natala: "Oh no, we've been found!"

Kurome: "Call reinforcements, we'll quickly take him down!"

Arathi: "Call reinforcements, eh..." (pulls out skulls) "You don't have to do that, you guys are all I need. Once I'm done with you guys, I'll have enough to collect 7 skulls and I'll be able to climb the ranks."

Natala: (pops pill into mouth) "This guy is alone. He'll be easy to deal with, just taking this drug will allow us to continually fight."

By now, both Kurome and Gin had taken their drugs as well. Arathi let out an amused scoff before he himself readied for battle.

Arathi: "Taking performance enhancing drugs...what nonsense. With this secret technique passed on throughout the Gravekeepers, there's no way I'll lose!"

The three watch as his body started to change form. Parts of his limbs resembled that to of wolves, his nails now sharper and able to make slashes at their soft flesh. Though they were nervous, they still dashed head on, thinking they could take him down.

Arathi grinned and dashed himself, the three launching their attacks at him. Arathi was able to parry the attacks, but he was impressed with the strength they displayed.

Arathi: "Oho! You're all pretty good compared to the guys I met earlier."

Kurome: (thoughts) 'This is...! The power of a beast! This type of beast power enhances the body!?'

The Gravekeepers all had some kind of beast power that enhances them. In the case of Arathi, the beast power enhances his body, changing into a body parts that resembled beasts, further enhancing their strength.

Of course, there were artifacts that gave similar abilities that the Gravekeepers had. Najasho's Shingu, the Water Dragon Sword, enhances his strength for three minutes. With this buff, his hair is extended. After the effects, the user of the Shingu is put in extraordinary pain. Arathi had a sadistic grin on his face, the man doing a handstand as he twists his body around. As he does so, he was able to lunge his feet forward and attack Gin and Natala, who were the ones closer towards him.

The two skid back as Kurome had jumped back as well. The three had shocked looks.

Natala: "So strong..."

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