chapter fourteen

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Jamal texted me later at night and said he found a work around for Cesar. Cesar is staying at his place now which is probably for the best considering otherwise he would be homeless. I went back to sleep later on.

Weeks later..

It's Valentine's Day today! I've always hated it. My Valentine's Days have always been full of hatred and not love nor positivity but this Valentine's I'm going to make my day worth it.

I got dressed and went to school.

Cesar walked up to me.

"How do you ever sleep at Jamals? I mean the past month I've struggled sleeping at his house it's one thing and then another. He doesn't quit." Cesar said

"Cesar.. when you sleep at Jamals house as much as you do your own.. you kind of get used to his bullshit at night." I said

He walked off to walk with Monse.

Later that night Jamal and I got dressed and decided to match. We had to meet the football coach in his office because we had to work for him tonight at the dance. We made it to his office and he started telling us what to do.

Jamal and I got ready because the dance was about to start. Yeah fuck no Jamal is making sure people don't end up having sex tonight.. I'm not doing that. I'll just um act like I'm doing something.

"What the hell Jade? Help me." Jamal said walking up to me

"Please no. This is none of my business."

"Just help me tonight.. please" He begged me



"FINE. I hate you Jamal." I said as we both walked to stop people from having sex

I saw Jasmine and Ruby and walked up to them.

"Hey bitchessssss" I said hyped up

"What's with the bag" Ruby asked

"Jamal and I vol- actually no Jamal volunteered for him and I to do work tonight so I'm kind of stuck. Nice hair Jasmine." I said

"Thanks boo" She said as I walked away

Jamal and I walked up to Cesar, Monse and Ruby and started dancing with them and talking.

"TURNER AND DÍAZ" The coach yelled right behind us

"WE ARE ON A BREAK RONALD" Jamal yelled at him as we turned around

"THERE ARE NO BREAKS.. THERE ARE TEENAGE BOYS TRYNA STICK IT IN. I MISPLACED MY PHONE.. CHECK THE OFFICE" The coach said trying to talk over the noise and handing Jamal the keys to his office

Jamal and I walked to his office.

Jamal got his phone and drop it.

"Nice going dumbass" I said as he picked up the phone

He blowed on the phone trying to get the cracked screen off.

"Jamal really? Are you that dumb? It's cracked it's not going away." I said

Jamal grabbed my hand and ran out of the office.

Jamal ran into some kid and hugged him for no reason. The guy walked away.

"Why did you hug him?" I asked

"Don't worry about it"

"Tell me"

"The phone is in his pocket"

We fist bumped and then went back into the gym.

"Coach" Jamal said as we walked towards him

"Did you guys find my phone?" He asked us

"I'm going to tell you the cold heart truth.. someone took it" Jamal said

"What?!" Coach said

The dance got stopped and the coach, Jamal and I stood in the front of the gym while everyone was watching us.

"Someone has my phone" The coach said

Everyone was pissed off they just wanted the dance to continue so they could have fun.

"That same someone is the reason you are no longer having fun. This individual has 5 seconds to return my phone. If they return my phone before I get to five the dance can continue.. if not the night is canceled. Now I'm going to turn around so I don't even know who did it. 1. 2. 3. I better start hearing movement. 4. Oh don't let me get to five. 4 and a half. 5." The coach said

"COWARDS.. ALL OF YOU" Jamal yelled as the guy he hugged mouthed "loser" Jamal mouthed back "fuck you" as the coach kept talking

We finally found who "did it" and the dance continued.

Jasmine and Ruby were up to dance on stage. I'm so happy for them.

They started dancing and I knew it was good already.

"WOOOOO" I yelled as they continued dancing

I started clapping for them after they finished.

Jasmine and Ruby kissed in front of us.

"OH SHITTTTT" I yelled

We all were shocked.

The song that I love came on.. Ruby started freaking out. Monse mouthed to me "this is the song ruby and olivia got shot to" I went outside with them.

We all sat on the stairs while he panicked.

Jasmine then came out and sat next to him. Cesar left after Monse. I went inside because Jasmine wanted to take care of it.

I saw Monse and Cesar fighting in the hallway. I decided to mind my business and go back into the dance.

I walked around and couldn't find any of my friends. Cesar texted me.

"Jade.. you might want to go home. Everyone else did I'm pretty sure. Have a good night."

Something is wrong. I can tell. When he texts like that or even if he texts me something is wrong.

I texted him back.

"Cesar are you okay?"

He called me and showed his face. Seeing him cry like that makes me so sad. He told me he loved me and he was at Jamals now. He also told me him and Monse broke up. I started crying and went home. By the time I was home I was balling my eyes out.

Oscar was outside with the Santos.

I tried walking inside but he walked up in front of me and hugged me.

"Jade.. what's wrong?" Oscar asked as I cried into his shirt

"I hate seeing Cesar cry.. I can't handle it"

"Stop crying.. everything is going to be alright" He said letting go of me and looking me in the eyes

"Nothing's alright. Life sucks and that's just how it is. I hate myself. Ever since Olivia and Ruby got shot it feels like my life has fallen apart seeing their lives falling apart. Jamal always makes me happy. Cesar does too but I can't handle it anymore. Ruby is nice but his life has fallen apart so bad. Jasmine is cool and supportive. Monse has been through shit these past few days and it's sad. Life sucks Oscar." I said sniffling

"Don't hate yourself Jade.. life is short and nothing in life will matter in 9 years. I learned to not give a fuck about a lot."

"I'm going to go to sleep. Love you." I said to Oscar

"Goodnight.. love you too" He said

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