Chapter 9

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     "Aammeerrriiicccaaa!" I called out as I walked downstairs. The house was really quiet and it was freaking me out. I actually have another fear. Being alone in places with no people at all

     "You guys... if this is a joke.... it's not funny!" I start to shake when I reach the bottom of the stairs. I look in the living room and see a piece of paper on the coffee table.


Sorry we had to go to the store, BUT WE RAN OUT OF HAMBURGERS! WE HAVE TO GET MORE, be careful! ~America

     'Note to self, kill America for his hamburger obsession' I think. I slowly walk over to the window and look outside. Idiot!

     A huge flash of lightning appears in the sky followed by thunder. "AH!" I shriek. I run all the way upstairs and hide underneath the covers of my bed.

     I feel my body shaking as the huge drops of rain hit the roof. Every time I hear thunder or lightning, I yelp and squeeze the blankets. Streams of tears run down my cheeks as I remember what happened years ago when I was little.

     "Ciel! Daddy has to run to a friends house really quick! Mommy is at the store, I'll be back in a few minutes!" I was only six years old. I walked downstairs and hugged him good-bye.

     I walked into the living room. I didn't know how to change the channel so I kept it on the news. "And now, a little girl about the age of six has been pronounced dead this morning. She came to D.C with her family for spring break." Oh no!

     A picture of Tatiana came onto the screen. My heart felled as though it was hit with a sledgehammer. "She was apparently skating with her family when the ice below her gave away. Her body was able to be recovered, but not before she drowned."

     At that moment, a huge clap of thunder echoed through the house. I screamed and hid underneath the table.

     I opened my eyes just a little and nearly had a heart attack. A huge black figure stood in front of me. It knelled down and reached a hand out towards me, but before it could touch me, the door unlocked and my Dad came in. He didn't see the figure that had gone away.

     I whimpered as more thunder came. Then a loud slam was heard. "Costa Luna! We're home!" America's loud voice said. I didn't respond, I was too scared of the thunder.

     "Costa Luna?" Italy says. Another clap of thunder came and I screamed. Many footsteps could be heard running upstairs. "Costa Luna? Are you ok, aru?" China says from outside the door. "I-I-" the biggest flash of lightning so far interrupted me. I screamed and the door opened.

     The covers are yanked off of me. I bring my knee up to my face and shake. Silence...

     "Costa Luna, are you scared of the storm?" England asks. I give a small nod and yelp when another round of thunder comes.

     Somebody helps me sit up and I feel something being placed in my ears. I hear the sound of Broken Wings. It block out the storm and I open my eyes. Germany mouths 'better?' I nod and mouth 'thank you.'


     I don't know when, but I had fallen asleep. I grab my phone to look at the date, Monday. I got out of bed and changed. I wore a dress made up of different patches of different colors. I made it myself. I know Tatiana would be the type to wear colors instead of black when visiting a grave. I swung my satchel over my shoulder and grabbed the bouquet of flowers.

     I found everyone in the kitchen when I went downstairs. "Hi Costa Luna!" Italy said and gave me a hug. "Hi, I'm going to go now. I'll be back soon." They all stared at me. "You sure you don't want me to drive you?"

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