Coming Clean

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"Sam, Sam wake up." Sam was crying earlier, I could tell he cried himself to sleep. "I'll leave you two alone." Reggie walked out of the room as Sam slowly gained consciousness. "What's going on with Kat?" Sam's eyes widened. "She called me about Solby." "Death threats too?" Sam began to tear up. "Is that why she called?" Sam started to drift away from me in terror. "Sam that isn't your fault, Brennan's getting them too. We have to post that video soon." I got onto Sam's computer to see how far Reggie had gotten to editing. "We need to come clean. "

I grabbed Sam's camera and placed it on his tripod. "I'll do the talking ok? You don't seem mentally stable, but we have to do this Sam." Sam shook his head and I walked over, sitting next to him. "Hey guys, it's Sam and Colby. As you may be aware, there has been a leaked picture that looks like Sam kissing me in a car." I looked over at Sam, who almost began to tear up again. I put my arm around him, trying to comfort him. We started this week's vlog on a dare that Tara made. We thought it would be funny to "date" for a week, pretending that Solby was real. During those days, things started to evolve. After years of keeping this a secret, I finally told you how I really feel." I looked at Sam and pulled him into a kiss.

He smiled but I could tell Sam was still in emotional pain. "The thing is, I've had a crush on Sam for years. Since high school actually. I've tried to date people here and there but it just wasn't the same. It wasn't Sam." I looked over at him. "Sam, since day one you have been my best friend. I'm so glad my parents made me go to band camp. When you said you wanted to move to LA with me, it was the best day of my life. Which is saying a lot since almost every day with you is the best day of my life. Sam, I love you and I will always be here for you. But now, I want to be here for you as more than a friend." I grabbed Sam's hand and moved my arm away from his shoulder. He looked at me confused, obviously it wasn't planned.

"Sam, will you be my boyfriend?" Sam smiled and his eyes widened. He shook his head yes and kissed me. We talked a little more about the past week and how our relationship slowly developed. "So, about the picture. Yes it is real. We were on a date and a fan must have seen us and taken that picture. Please stop sharing it, we'd like our fans to respect our privacy. But yes, Solby is real." By the end of the video Sam was almost back to his normal self, though I still monitored his mood. Reggie had said that the video would be ready to upload tonight, and so we patiently waited after filming. The guys and I decided to go out for dinner as we waited to hear back from Reggie once it was uploaded. As we finished eating dinner, Reggie messaged me. The video is up.

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