burn and crash

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"if you think about it...buck and eddie could be a really good couple," chim says as he watches the two walk into the station for the start of their shift. 

"you don't have to think about it chim, it's obvious they would be a good couple, something is clearly there," hen says back and continues stocking up the ambulance. 

chim shrugs his shoulders in agreement and continues helping hen. on the other side of the station buck and eddie are getting changed to get their day started. they finish up around the same time and start walking out of the locker room. looking down at his feet, buck follows behind eddie as they head upstairs to greet the crew. 

"hey buck welcome back," bobby says catching his attention.

buck looks up from his feet breaking out of thought and smiles at bobby, 

"thanks captain, its good to be back,"

he makes his way over to the kitchen and grabs the toast from the big plate on the center of the counter. throwing the toast in his mouth, buck runs over to the couch and throws himself down on it and turns on the tv.

"ahhhh, i missed my couch."

just as he bites down on his toast the bell goes off. he lets out a groan and gets up running to grab the gear he first sees thinking it's his, and sits down in the truck. he looks over to see eddie chuckling about something and raises his eyebrow in confusion.

"you have my coat, " he chuckles and grabs his coat from bucks lap.

"oh shit sorry dude that's my bad, i was too focused on my toast,"

"should i call you mr. diaz now," 

"only if i call you mr. buckley," evan says back with a light laugh and takes his coat back.

as the truck comes to a stop, buck finishes his final bite of his toast and jumps out. he takes a moment to evaluate the scene in front of him. it was a small and simple house fire, but he wanted to know his surroundings and get a good idea for what to expect.

"alright, buck there's two unaccounted for i want you and eddie to go in and check the house," bobby speaks out and continues giving everyone assignments. 

"yes cap," buck says as he walks over to eddie and they start getting their tanks on. buck leads him and eddie inside and is met with a blazing heat when he turns the corner. 

"LAFD CALL OUT," the two both yell out for a few seconds.

"buck over here,"  

buck runs over and sees two girls on the ground and picks one up throwing her over his shoulder, as eddie does the same with the other. they begin making their way outside when the ground begins to shake. the two men look at each other in confusion not knowing what to do. they keep trying to make their way to the exit, when the flimsy structure of the house comes collapsing down in-front of eddie, blocking off their way out. as they turn around to find a new exit pieces of the house come falling down in-front of buck, leaving them trapped. eddie calls in over the radio to inform the team outside.

"hey cap buck and i got trapped in by falling debris and can't find-"

before the sentence is finished the line goes static and the house that has all eyes on it, comes crumbling down. bystanders let out horrified gasps and the team stands there planning their next move carefully. athena, being the cop on scene lets out a soft shriek being taken off guard. 

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