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 throwing shots back all alone, and if someone came near him he yelled at them to keep them away, buck was having the time of his life all alone. 

hours later someone walked in the door and buck turned his head to see who it was. he is greeted with the sight of some very angry, relieved, scared and disappointed 118 members.

"why are you guys here, you're on shift right now!" buck says slurred and a little too loud.

"sam called me" bobby says pointing to the bar tender and waves mouthing a thank you.

the rest of the team give sympathetic looks to the bar tender and then look back to a now very angry buck.

"IF I COME HERE ON MY OWN TIMES THATS NO ONES BUSINESS BUT MINE! YOU DIDN'T NEED ME AT WORK SO I CAME HERE!!!! GOT MY DRANK ON BOBBY!" buck yelled while slurring his words again. he gets up and stumbles towards the exit but falls into a very strong, but moving wall.

"why is this wall moving?!!" he yells out and puts his hands on the chest of eddie, who he had fallen into.

"the wall needs to breathe," eddie says with a soft chuckle but still a little hurt from this morning

"you know what diaz?" buck says looking at him but slurring his words which made it a little cute to eddie. 

"you're kinda cool, maybe if you weren't trying to get rid of me i could like you and be your friend. we would be some pretty hot best friends dont you think" buck says giggling a little and holding onto eddies arm for balance. 

this gave eddie a little chuckle and he blushed a little at bucks giggle, but once he processed what buck had said his smile fades. 

"buck im not trying to get rid of you, i just came here because my kid and i needed a new start and i would never ever try to get rid of you, i see how much you love this job. you're too special to this team for them to ever get rid of you." eddie says back to him and helps steady him out by holding his shoulders. 

this gives buck a small moment of reassurance and happiness. he smiles at the man in front of him and gives him a big hug not being able to control his actions with how much he had to drink. 

"we would be some pretty hot best friends though." eddie says with a chuckle and hugs him back. 

"can you give me a ride back  in my car so i can park it at the station," buck says in the crook of eddies neck, still not letting go.

"of course buck" he says back with a small blush on his cheeks from the feeling of bucks breath on his neck. it wasn't a sexual blush, it was a mysterious blush for him because he didn't know why he was feeling this way over his new team member. 

"wait wait wait, you have a kid" buck says after a few minutes of silence as it just hits him. 

the team laughs at bucks question, since they had already talked to eddie while buck was in the hospital. 

"yeah yeah i do, his names christopher, i love that little guy with my whole life." eddie says focusing on only buck in that moment. he pulls out his phone and shows him a picture. 

"dude he's the cutest kid ever, i love kids and im pretty good with them too," buck says with a smile and looks at the picture in front of him. 

"im sure he would love to meet you, but for right now we need to get you back to the station to get to bed alright." he says looking at buck who frowns when the picture of christopher is taken away, but nods and walks to the car with the help of eddie.

once they get back at the station, eddie helps buck into his sweatpants and the firehouse t-shirts. eddie slowly sits buck down on the bed then helps him lay down and pulls the blanket over him. eddie walks over to his bed on the other side of buck and tucks himself in.

"goodnight buck" he whispers not thinking buck can hear him

"goodnight diaz" buck smiles softly and closes his eyes. 

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