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the sound of the beeping machines rang through bucks head. he began to open his eyes and looked around and huffed in anger, throwing his hands over his face and slowly sliding them down. 

"mr.buckley you're awake, so we had to perform a super minor surgery on your side because you got metal pieces stuck in there, you also have a broken rib but thankfully no head injuries. you got lucky on this one." the nurse said and walked out to go inform the team he was awake. 

soon there was the sound of footsteps growing louder and louder. the team had walked in his room, except for one specific person that he was looking for. 

"buck you scared the hell out of my don't do that ever again okay" hen says with a breath of relief seeing that her young friend was okay and well with her own eyes. 

"you gave us a big scare kid, im glad you're okay but you aren't going to be able to come on calls with us for a while as punishment," bobby says softly but with a harsh tone showing how serious he is. 

as if any more light couldn't be taken from this boys day, he gets told he has to stay back from the thing he loves the most. 

"okay bobby i got it, thanks for coming guys, but where's diaz?" buck says trying to make it casually come into the conversation. 

"he wanted to come back on his own to talk to you, dont ask me why." chim says 

after some more conversation the team walked out leaving buck to swarm his head with thoughts. why did eddie want to come back on his own, did he make him angry, has he figured out his secret. these were clogging bucks head until his train of thought was broken by a man running in through the door and sitting next to him. 

"hey buck" eddie smiles softly at him

"hey diaz, why didn't you come in with everyone else?" he questioned scared of what the handsome man in-front of him might answer with. 

"I just wanted to come in and check on you with no one else around, i know how stressful hospitals are and having a lot of people around can be annoying."

"thanks i guess," buck says bluntly and just looks up at the ceiling and closes his eyes. 

confused and a little upset by the actions of the man in front of him, eddie walks outside to everyone else after saying a little goodbye to buck. anyone that heard him could hear the hurt in his voice, even if he thought he hid it well. hearing the footsteps of his new team member soften by the second, buck sighed and threw his fist on the bed. 

a few days pass and buck gets a clean bill of health, and is released from the hospital. as soon as he is released he goes straight to the 118. as the recently injured man, who still has some marks on his face, enters the building with his duffle bag he is greeted with little hellos and welcome backs, but no one seems to notice his appearance. 

while changing in the locker room he walks over to the mirrors with his shirt off and looks at the stitches on his stomach/chest. after a few minutes he walks back over to his locker, now putting his uniform on, and slams the locker door shut and punches it with tears brimming over his eyes. he looks down at his shoes and focuses on the laces to keep his tears from pouring out. after calming down and taking a few breaths, buck walks out of the locker room, and goes upstairs to lay on the couch. 

when he hears the alarm go off he gets up slowly and makes his way downstairs to the truck. 

"buck you're not allowed to go out with us yet remember" eddie says looking a little upset having to be the one to tell him. 

"you know what why can't you mind your business for ONCE, all you've done since you got here was barge in and take my place and act like you've been here forever. IT DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT! at least it hasn't for any of us so why is it different for you! LEAVE ME ALONE EDDIE YOU GET TO WAIT YOUR TURN JUST LIKE I DID FOR EVERYONE TO LIKE YOU!" buck snaps back at him out of nowhere. 

the whole station goes silent but is still getting ready to leave. eddie just walks away not having the time to deal with him. buck watches as the trucks leave the station garage and he walks out getting into his car. he drives to closest bar and walks in.

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