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buck listened to eddies conversation with his friends and continued to let his thoughts overcome him. he just closed his eyes and rest his head on the seat until he feels the truck come to a stop, he hops out and evaluates the scene in front of him. captain comes over and begins assigning roles to the team. 

"buck i want you with chim, eddie you go with them too" bobby says and earns a soft groan from buck. 

"he's one of us now, show some respect and maturity and get the job done" bobby says walking away from the tall man in front of him who just slumps his shoulders. 

buck walks over to get the jaws and makes his way over to chim and edddie, he hears the two talking and just goes into the building on his own, not wanting to wait for the two "lovers" to get out of their love high; according to buck. 

"buck what the hell are you doing??!!!" chimney yells out breaking away from his conversation with eddie.

this grabs the attention of everyone at the scene and they watch as buck starts to walk up an unsteady set of stairs. one minute he is in their sight, the next he has fallen through to the cold hard ground of who knows where. 

"BUCK!!" hen yells at him and tries running in but is held back by bobby. 

"hen you know we can't go in until we asses the situation and know what happened, he did that to himself" bobby says letting go of her slowly. 

bucks pov: 

I was making my way up a set of stairs that i knew felt unsteady, but i needed to get as far away from this eddie guy and chim as i could. right as i was about to step up to the next floor the ground under me starts falling and i feel myself his a rock hard surface. I hear hen call my name and i try to scream out for help, but it is faint and light. the lights around me start to fade and my eyes grow heavy. no buck you can't close your eyes you need to stay awake until someone comes...but what if no one comes for you. these thoughts are racing through my head and next thing i know everything is black. 

third person pov:

the team is finally ready to go in and they run in to the hole where buck had fallen. everyone is given a section of rope and they lower eddie down since he has seen this stuff before when he was enlisted. maybe he was referring to seeing a cocky team member or maybe he was referring to this type of fall and injury, we will never know. 

the team begins to lower him down into the hole that was made when buck had fallen through. eddie gets to the bottom and sees buck and runs over to him to check for a pulse. 

"HE HAS A PULSE BUT IT COULD FADE ANY SECOND" he yells up to the team.

eddie starts to get buck on the board when he sees his eyes flutter open slowly and he looks around startled and scared. 

"hey hey buck you're okay im gonna get you up to the team so you can go get checked out okay" eddie says calming buck down in an instant and holding his hand for a split second. 

bucks hand felt cold when he let go and he sighed to himself. 

"diaz im fine really, just tell them im okay and i don't need to go to the hospital" 

"evan you know i can't do that its protocol and you seem pretty banged up" 

he sighs again then groans almost screaming in pain, but stops himself so he doesn't look weak. buck felt as if he was going to pass out again, there was a stabbing pain in his chest and he looked up at the ceiling trying to keep his breathing steady. one breath was all it took for him to scream in agony and get the attention of everyone, even those who weren't down there. the sound was painful for all to hear but eddie felt something deep down that broke him. 

"guys pull him up now!" eddie yelled for them to hear. right before buck got pulled up eddie rubbed his thumb across bucks knuckles. 

this calmed buck down for the few seconds it took to get him up to the first level where everyone was, but then they started putting things on him and it brought the pain back; this time he kept the screaming inside and left it to small grunt and heavy breaths. 

he couldn't stop yelling at himself internally, all of this over being jealous over someone. he got wheeled into the ambulance and the last thing he rememberers is the sight of a hospital ceiling with those lights coming into his view every second as they rushed him somewhere. 

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