the beginning

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evan was making his way downstairs to the the stations gym when he saw a new face getting changed through the glass doors. he couldn't help but stare because of how in shape this mysterious man was, and the way the sun was coming through the station garage made his body shine. 

"aye hen who's that?" buck questions snapping out of it and looking towards hen, who is cleaning the ambulance.

"eddie diaz, new recruit from texas," bobby chimes in before hen can say anything back. 

soon enough the whole 118 was downstairs watching the new guy getting changed, buck used this as another moment to observe his features from a distance. bucks thoughts were cut off when he saw the man, who now has a name, step out of the glass room and smile awkwardly, but it was warm and welcoming for buck. 

"uh hey i'm eddie diaz" he says with a small wave and the crew goes up to him and starts introducing themselves.

buck however, stays back and just goes back upstairs and watches from over the railing. when he sees everyone starting to come upstairs he takes himself over to the couch and starts flipping through the channels. he soon feels the couch sink by his feet and looks for a split second to see eddie. he turns back to his tv quickly and continues his search for something to watch. 

"hey man im eddie, eddie diaz" he says breaking the silence

"and i'm watching harry potter...your point with that statement was what exactly" buck says with some attitude and keeps his eyes glued on the tv in front of him. 

a little taken back with what the man laying next to him had just said eddie gets up and walks off, but before he walks off he says "im just trying to be nice man if you don't like me then oh well." 

buck listened as his footsteps got softer and further away, he just sighed and clicked up the volume on his movie to drown out the thoughts in his head. bucks eyes start to become heavy as the chamber of secrets finishes up. as soon as he starts to fall asleep the alarm goes off telling the station they are needed somewhere. buck gets up in a hurry and runs down to get dressed and hops in the truck, looking up he is greeted with the warm eyes of eddie. he shakes his head and looks out the window for the rest of the ride trying not to look at him anymore. 

inside, eddie couldn't stop asking himself why his new crewmate didn't seem to like him and wh he kept looking away from him every chance he got. he brushed it off and just talked with chim and hen who were in the truck today. 

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