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Another day of hell and torture

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Another day of hell and torture. School. Man, I just want to run away from this hell whole forever and go to an unknown place where human existence is not real.

I listen to the beat of the song playing from my playlist. Fever by ENHYPEN. It's the epitome of the century. It's just utter perfection.

I hum to the rhythm of the song closing my eyes for a split second as I continue walking to school. I unfortunately yet fortunately get interrupted by someone pulling the strings of my headphones.

I widen my eyes and shut them tight in pain.

'Son of a b*tch' I thought.

I turn around only to be faced with my bully of course. Ni-ki. God I hate him.

He smirks and throws my headphones back at me before walking ahead of me pretending like he didn't do what he just did.

'Sometimes I just wanna choke the hell out of him till he turns purple' I thought clenching my jaw.

I make it to school passing the gate making my way to my locker. I open my locker taking out the books I need for my first lesson. Literature. Bleh.

I was about to close my locker someone shoves my head further in my locker making me hit my head in the process.

"What the hell?!" I yell taking my head head out of the locker irritated.

The one and only Ni-ki is standing behind the locker door smirking. I wish I can wipe that smirk off his face.

"Watch who you talk back to Y/n" He replies.

"Why can't you just leave me alone for once!?" I yell frustrated.

"No can do" He says smiling walking away with girls swooning over him as he walks to his first class which I unfortunately, share with him.

'Can this day get any worse?' I think.

I make my way to class before the bell rings. I walk in the classroom and make my way to my seat where my best friend Kim Jungwoo sits.

"Did Ni-ki bully you again?" He asks with a sympathetic face as I sit down. I just nod and put my head on his shoulder sulking.

He pouts and pats my head. "I have a feeling that one day, all of this will end and you'll be free of his wrath" He says smiling booping my nose.

I scrunch my nose and sit normally as the teacher walks in with her heels clicking on the floor every step she takes.

~Time skip bc I'm lazy~

It's the end of the day and I bid my goodbyes to Jungwoo staying after school for school work and daily activities I always do.

Walking down a dimly lit street,
I walk to a small pond I see before looking up at the dark, black sky. The moon shining

I sigh for the umpteenth time today and say "I just wish Ni-ki would stop bullying me for once. I just want a good life with no problems. Jeez even a baby would be better than a Ni-ki constantly torturing me *chuckles*".

"Just help me this one time in life, please, I'm desperate" I chorus.

I slowly turn around and start walking home to my apartment not before glancing over my shoulder looking at the moon shining brightly in the night sky.

I turn back around and trudge to my apartment. I open the door tiredly and close it behind me sliding my backpack off my shoulder. I already did my homework after school doing after school work.

I take a hot shower and put my pj's on. A white, oversized T-shirt and black shorts. Brushing my teeth since I'm too tired to eat.

I check my phone for any messages and it's just Jungwoo checking up on me. I smile and respond to then turning off my phone.

I climb into bed and get under the covers drifting off to sleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

~??? Pov~
Comes out from behind a tree near where you were standing.

"So you want a change in your life, huh?".

"I can make that happen young girl, I'll make your life a little more interesting and adventurous my dear".

"Get ready for your new life tomorrow young lady..."

Taps watch and the time slowly then gradually starts to spin rapidly over and over until it stops at 9:30pm.

"Ni-ki.... You'll be in for a surprise the next morning".

Walking into the shadows of the darkness, disappearing into thin air as if I was never there in the first place to begin with.

~End of ??? Pov~

Oh Y/n, you naive little girl....you need to be careful what you wish for. Your wish may be twisted into something you didn't want. Your actions will speak as to how you now deal with your wish. I warned you.... Now you must pay with this wish that you've been granted and make a living with it. Good luck my dear, you'll need it desperately. Bye-bye Y/n....

 Bye-bye Y/n

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