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(Remember that Ni-ki is a 19 year old boy stuck inside a 3 year old's body)

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(Remember that Ni-ki is a 19 year old boy stuck inside a 3 year old's body).

I toss and turn throughout the night with a cold shiver running up and down my spine.

'You shouldn't have wished for that'

'You'll regret it'

Those words being whispered in my head over and over. I jolt awake as I feel someone or something cover my mouth stopping my breathing for a second.

Cold sweat built up on my face and neck. I look around the room to find nothing and heavily sigh letting out a shaky breath.

I swing my legs over my bed and stand up wobbling a little losing my balance. Moving to the kitchen to get a glass of water to calm down.

I grab a glass and pour water in it proceeding to drink it, letting the cold beverage run down my throat. I swallow the water and walk to the window that was in my kitchen.

I looked out the window to be met with stars shining brightly like there's no tomorrow. As I looked at the stars twinkling in the night sky, I see a figure walk past.

I quickly look away from the sky to look forward only to find no one there. I tilt my head in confusion and slowly turn around to get another glass of water and head back to my room.

I put the glass down on my bedside table as I get comfy once again. I bring the covers over my body and slowly drift off to sleep again. But faintly hearing someone say 'You're wish has been granted dear, don't regret it'.

I just shook off the thought of hearing someone and focused on going to sleep. Which I eventually did 10 minutes later.

~Next morning~
I hear my alarm blaring loudly. I groan and reach for my phone to turn off my alarm.

I groggily sit up and stare at the wall contemplating why I'm still on this eart- Wait what time is it?

I look at my phone again and see that I only have 15 minutes before school starts! Sh*t-

I jump out of bed to shower and get ready. I quickly brush my teeth and hop in the shower, showering quickly and putting on my uniform.

I run to the front door and grab my backpack that was laying next to the door. Luckily I did my homework in school cause I was tired as hell to do it when I got back home.

I open the door about to run out only to be met with a kid standing there looking at me with sharp, puma-like eyes. I freeze and gape at the child that was standing there that awfully looks like Ni-ki..... Nah, you're just dreaming Y/n.

"Uh.... kid, where are your parents?" I ask the kid bending down to his height.

He doesn't talk. Just stares at me with his beady little eyes. We are both having a staring contest before I break eye contact and sigh.

"Look kid, I have to go to school and I don't know where or who your parents are sooooooo-" I say.

He just looks at me with a blank face but then walks towards me and pulls my hand dragging me with him. I just let the poor kid drag me only to realize that he dragged me to my school... Weird.

"I don't know where to take you or leave you so maybe go to an adult who can help you, okay?" I say looking down at the boy.

He just continues holding my hand but tightened his grip on my hand not letting go. I sigh. What has my life become?

"I guess I have to take care of you until I find your parents" I chorus groaning in distaste of this situation.

I grunt as I pick him up and put him on my hip.

I adjust him on my hip so he can be comfortable and walk past the gate into the prison- sorry I mean school

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I adjust him on my hip so he can be comfortable and walk past the gate into the prison- sorry I mean school.

As soon as I step foot into the hallway I'm met with whispers of people talking about something. Something about Ni-ki is missing. Oh, wow, that's unfortunate. Not my problem though. At least they're ignoring me at the moment.

I walk to my locker still holding the kid tightly so I don't accidentally drop him. I open my locker with my free hand and grab my books and other things I need. But, like all bad things happening in my life, I can't hold everything in my arms.

I smack my teeth and the kid looks at me with a questioning look as to why I did that. I roll my eyes at him.

"I can't carry everything because I'm carrying you" I say through gritted teeth at the younger.

He just reaches towards my locker and grabs my leftover supplies I needed to carry.

"You're gonna carry that?" I ask him only to be met with a glare in return.

"Okay, you'll carry it now let's go kiddo" I say closing my locker shut.

Walking to my class with a child that looks to be around 3 years old on my hip. Totally normal.

Stepping into class only to be met with multiple stares of people. I clear my throat awkwardly and make my way to my seat.

Putting my books down and taking my supplies from the little boy placing them in the table. I look around the class then realize...

'Where the hell do I put this kid?

'I can't hold him all day, I have to take notes for class-'

'F*ck my life'

'F*ck my life'

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