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(Remember that Ni-ki is a 19 year old boy stuck inside a 3 year old's body)

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(Remember that Ni-ki is a 19 year old boy stuck inside a 3 year old's body)

I fish out my phone from my pocket and send my address to Jay. His phone dings after a minute and he looks at it and smiles at me showing his phone that he got the address.

Jay sends it to the other guys and the bell rings by the time they all receive my address. Though I did realize that Heeseung already has my address... Oh well.

After school


I just took a shower and I'm now putting on some comfy clothes for when ENHYPEN and Jungwoo get here.

I tried to help Ni-ki change his shirt at least but he slapped my hands away from him and went into the bathroom by himself. I'm just gonna assume that he'll change himself.

I trot to the living room and make space on the glass table in the middle of the room. Clearing all the vases and flowers on it, I decide to make some food even though Jay is going to order some anyway.

I walk to the kitchen and make some dessert to have. I make chocolate chip and almond vanilla cookies with mint chocolate ice cream. Sunoo will for sure love the ice cream.

Smiling to myself, I grab the dessert I made and take them to the table in the living room.

As I put them down, the door bell rings. Right on time! I jog to the door and open it to met with Jungwoo and ENHYPEN.

They smile at me and I open the door more so they can pass through.
They sure did bring a lot of stuff from what I can see them carrying. Jungwoo brought nothing, as usual.

I close the door and lead them to my living room so they can put the stuff down.

"What is that wonderful smell?" Jake says sniffing the air.

I chuckle and point to the table in front of them.

"Cookies and mint chocolate ice cream" I say.

They smile and run to the bowl of cookies and ice cream. Only Sunoo and I ate the ice cream though. The others hate mint choco.

Ni-ki finally came out of the room and made his way to where the food was. Speaking of food what did Jay bring?

"Jay, what food did you bring?" I say munching on a cookie.

"I brought pizza and some ramen that we can make here" he says opening the box of pizza.

I make an 'o' shape with my mouth and nod. We begin to eat the pizza and save the ramen for later.

20 minutes later

We finish eating and now we have to take about how we can turn Ni-ki back to normal.

"So, what did you guys find?" I ask wiping my face with a napkin.

"We were looking on the internet and then we came across a library that has books about magic and all that stuff. Then we had to look throughout the whole library to find the book that was specified on the internet" Heeseung says and gently puts the heavy book on the table.

"I skimmed through it and found out that it talks about some sort of wishing curse" Sunghoon says.

I tilt my head and look at Ni-ki who is equally just as confused as I am.

"Look at the last chapter of the book on the fifth paragraph" Jungwon says.

I hesitantly grab the book and open it. Flipping to the last chapter of the book and finding the fifth paragraph.

I clear my throat and begin to read what it says...
'Those who make a wish, get something in return. But, that wish is not what you would want. Wishing under the moon will bring misfortune to those who made the wish. He who makes the wish will live to regret making the wish. He who is the victim of the wish will live in confusion and hatred. Wishing under the night sky with twinkling stars is not wise. Those who go against that will suffer. He who has already made the wish will only have till the next full moon to reverse the wish. Fail and the victim will stay as is forever and you will live in despair and envy. Reversing the wish, wishing at the exact time you made the wish and at the night of a full moon, that will break the curse. Those who dare try to play with misfortune will be in for a ride'.

I put the book down and let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.

"That was intense" Jungwoo says eating a gummy worm.

"Where did you get those?" I ask.

"The kitchen, where else idiot?" he states in a matter of fact tone.

"Well genius, you now have a raging child ready to skin you alive" I say smirking at him and move so he can see Ni-ki.

Sitting there, a child glaring evily at Jungwoo like there's no tomorrow. Ready to demolish him and- you know what, I'll stop there.

Before Ni-ki can pounce on the scared Jungwoo, Sunoo and Jake hold him down. I thank them and start to process this information in my head.

"So I have to wait till the next full moon to reverse this 'curse' on Ni-ki and I have to do it at the exact time that I made the wish" I say rubbing my temples.

"How do I even know what time I made the wish!?" I exclaim.

"Try tracing back your steps to the day you made the wish" Jungwon says.

I look at him and sigh. Standing up I sit on a bean bag chair and close my eyes beginning to trace my steps back to that day.

It's the end of the day and I bid my goodbyes to Jungwoo staying after school for school work and daily activities I always do.

Walking down a dimly lit street,
I walk to a small pond I see before looking up at the dark, black sky. The moon shining

I sigh for the umpteenth time today and say "I just wish Ni-ki would stop bullying me for once. I just want a good life with no problems. Jeez even a baby would be better than a Ni-ki constantly torturing me *chuckles*".

"Just help me this one time in life, please, I'm desperate" I chorus.

I slowly turn around and start walking home to my apartment not before glancing over my shoulder looking at the moon shining brightly in the night sky.

End of flashback

I open my eyes back instantly and see everyone staring at me intently waiting for an answer.

"It was at 8:59pm" I say and go back to my spot on the floor next to Jake.

"Well then, we have a plan" Jungwon says grinning.

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