I will tell you two things that's good about having hardly to no friends. That is that no one asks you to tell them what's wrong or asked you what's on your mind or anything like that because basically no one talks to you.
Secondly, you don't have to open up to anyone meaning you don't set yourself up to get hurt or back stabbed.
Trust me I've been through it before I'm not going down that route ever again and I mean that.
Some not so good things about having no friends or hardly any of them, is that most of the time you are on your own and your mind is left to wonder; you think thoughts you would never have thought would come across your minds, or you end up having an argument with yourself because you have two opinions and don't know which one to follow.
Also, you become very anti-social so people end up not wanting to speak to you which can be a bonus but mainly when you are at home, alone, on a weekend and you have nothing to do or no one to hang out with the feeling of loneliness catches up with you and let me tell you it's not a nice feeling at all.
Yes I admit I love being on my own because it makes me feel independent but being alone all the time can get lonely very quickly.