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Shit is he a super soldier! I thought to my self cause I can't pin him down so I have no choice, I have to kill him

I step out of my hidding spot and point the gun to him, he smirk at me, he's taller than me like his good 5'9 and I'm 5'3

"Just give me the drive and we're done here!" I said cause he stole the drive that I stole the information to them, that's my mission to erase and give back the information they stole

"I guess this is gonna end longer than I thought" he said and start to run to me but of course I don't like to make this longer so I shot him straight between his eyes

"Sorry but I don't like to play games with you!" And I grab the drive to his vest pocket and made my way to the jet since my mission are done here

I fly off the jet and set it at autopilot then someone call me so I answer it right away

"Agent Y/L/N speaking" I go to one of the bench here and start to clean my cuts, I have many cuts and bruises in my shoulder to elbow, neck and face I have a cut too in my thight and hips which cause to cut my suit, there is no bandage in here, shit I run out of bandage!, so I just clean it

(Here's the suit)

"Agent Y/L/N go straight at the Avengers compound" I roll my eyes to him, he know that I hate that kind of approach and he's doing that often to annoy me

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"Agent Y/L/N go straight at the Avengers compound" I roll my eyes to him, he know that I hate that kind of approach and he's doing that often to annoy me

"Why would I do that?!" I can tell that he have a stern look and he's annoyed

"I'm gonna transfer you in the Avengers!" As much I hate to go to work in a team I can't complain, this is my job and I owe a big dept to Nick Fury

"I'll be there an hour!" Before I hung up the phone he talk

"Make it 20!" he hung up and I raise my eyebrows and put the jet to overdrive then I continue cleaning my cuts but it's no use the blood still stream down so I give up and relax myself

I got all of this minutes ago all of the agent I mean 13 agent come to me at the same time and of course they have a chance to punch, cut and kick me, I didn't use my power cause their are not worth it and as much as possible I don't want to use it


I take off the jet near at the Avenger compound, it's not that big and it's not that small it's just perfect for me and I walk to the tower and go straight in the elevator, some of the staff and agent greet me but being me I just nod and didn't look at them

The elevator door open so I take a few steps and I see an empty huge lounge in there then suddenly I notice some movement behind me but before I can turn around the person tackle me in the ground

I must say this person is great at any kind of battle because of how she tackle me but I was greater than them so I elbow them in the ribs that cause them to loose the grip then they start to throw a punchs and kicks at me that's when I realize who she is , The one and only Black Widow

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