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It's been 2 days and Wanda avoiding Nat every time then Y/N was still isolating herself in her room, the others start to worried especially Nat but she don't have a courage to go to you since she's still thinking what move she make


I was here at the lounge reading a book with Vision, Sam and Bucky was in the kitchen Island laughing there asses off like usual, Steve went on a run, Clint was in his room, Bruce and Tony is in the lab, Wanda is in her room and Thor is still didn't come back

I sigh still bothering for what I did then Wanda was avoiding me, and still Y/N didn't come out to her room and I was getting worried. I put my book down and go to Clint

I knock to his door "Clint! Are you in there? Can I come in?" I ask and hear a come in so I did and sit in his bed

"What's up Nat?" He sit at the chair at the corner so I look at her

"I don't know what to do Clint!" Clint sit besides me and give me a side hug

"Tell me what happened!" I lay my back to his bed and sigh

"I cheated Clint with Wanda!" Clint give me a sad smile but he didn't speak signalling that I can continue

"I don't know Clint why I did that, I mean I love Y/N more than my life but I still have feelings? for Wanda I don't know maybe I was just crave for Wanda since she's been gone for year and a months!" I rub my face with my hand

"So what's your problem?" I look at him and sit up and look at my hand

"I don't want to lose both of them and I don't know what to do!" I stand up and pacing back and forth

"Nat! Nat stop that!" And he grab my wrist and sit me down

"Tell me what do you think and feel when you were with Wanda!" I look at him confused "just tell me!" I sigh

"Ok, ok. Well I was happy when I was with Wanda, our time together was amazing, when I was with her I was thinking of so many things like we go get shopping, eat lunch in the restaurant like that!" I smile when I remember that we were talking about what we did in the past a stupid one

"How about Y/N?" My smile grew when Clint mention her then memories flooding back to my mind

"Well I feel this weird feeling in my stomach like a butterflies keep flying when she flattered, make faces, when she stick her tongue out when she's concentrating, when I wake up in the morning with her in my arms, her giggle and laugh, I was very happy with her that I can spend the rest of my life besides her, and I love when she cooks that's one of my favorite things about her, I find myself daydreaming about her, laughing and smiling like I was a different person in front of her, I don't want her to get hurt and I can picture myself with her in the future and I imagining building a family with her, a cozy house in the middle of no where away in the city or anyone have a huge field with a grass, tree, and flowers like your farm Clint I imagine all of that with her!" As I said that Clint have a huge smile then I realize what's the answer to my question

"Go get your fiancé Nat!" I smile to him and hug him

"Thank you Clint!" And with that I go outside and go to her bedroom

I was about to knock when Wanda come to me with a serious face

"Nat we need to talk!" She have a serious tone so I nod and we go to her room

"What's up Wanda?" I sit to her bed and she cross her arms in front and look at me

"What the fuck Nat, you're with Y/N in fact she's your fiancé but we still did those and not to mention you didn't even tell me, I have to know by the team!" She was angry since she was using her sokovian accent so I stand up

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