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I wake up of the feeling of my stomach turning upside down, so I run to the bathroom and throw up then I heard a knock while I was throwing up

"Y/N you ok there?" I hear Wanda's voice I was still throw up and I know that she can hear me

"Yeah, I'm fine!" And throw up again this time I heard the knob trying to open it

"Your clearly not fine" I heard another footstep and trying to open the door

"Wanda what's going on?" I heard Talia said

"It's Y/N!" She said. I grip the toilet seat since another wave of odd feeling in my stomach again

"Y/N open the door or I'll knock this down!" and a harsh knocking she do, I didn't answer, my head was hurting and I still throwing up

"That's it we're gonna come in!" and I heard the door swang open and footsteps go to me, I stand up flash the toilet and wash my face and mouth

"You ok?" Talia said when I look at the mirror, there they are looking at me and I look at their hands that brushing each other

"Yeah I'm fine like I said earlier!" and I do my morning routine, Talia step inside and put her hand in my shoulder

"What's wrong? Please tell me!" I finish what I was doing and change in my bedroom on sports bra and gym spandex shorts

"If you don't tell us I'll forcefully enter your mind and look for an answer by my own!" Wanda said I was facing my back to them and I chuckle

"I think you forget that I have the same powers as you!" I said and put my hair in a low ponytail

"I didn't forget that, I can still enter your mind!" I look at both of them

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!" I put a deadly tone in it. I'm proud that I didn't broke down infront of them but inside of me I was a mess, I put my bravest but emotionless aura to me

"Just tell us Y/N what's going on, please!" Talia said

"I told you it's just a stupid mission!" and I go outside go to the kitchen

"It's not just a mission Y/N I know it, I know you better than anyone" I sit at the Island and grab a pancakes that Steve made

"You don't know anything about me!" I said and while I was eating I can feel that Wanda was trying to enter my mind

I roll my eyes and set my mind to a painful set put a barrier so anyone will try to enter my mind they'll hurt as hell

"Please tell me!" Talia sit besides me and put her hand in my arms but I ignore it until we heard Wanda scream at the front kitchen

"AAAAHHH!" They look at her and go to her worried especially Talia and I finish my pancake and go pass them

"I warned you Wanda, next time you should listen!" and I go to the gym with my water bottle, phone and a face towel and began to let out all of my steam


I comfort Wanda since she's in so much pain, I don't know what happened but I think Wanda try to enter Y/N's mind

"You ok? What happened?" I help her and we go to lounge, grab a water and give it to her

"Yeah I'm fine, she put barrier so who every try to go in her mind they will attack you on mind!" I rub her back and think about Y/N

Why's she's like this? I look at Wanda she was rubbing her head, I stand up

"I'm gonna go check on her" I say and go to the training room

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