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I go straight to my room and lock it I look at the city in my glass wall of my room, 'all of this year that I was hidding are now slowly fading' I thought to my self, yes in 5 years I was hiding then now I'm gonna show up, first to Natalia and now I'm gonna show myself to my enemies

After the good 5 minutes I heard a sound at other side of my door and I heard a clicking in my knob which mean that it's lock so they knock harshly at my door

I know who the person is in the other side and I'm not gonna deal with her now, I have to think what will happened to me in this past few months, I'm pretty sure they'll come for me

The knock still there and I heard some voices like 'open this door Y/N' 'Y/N open it or I'll knock this down' and some more but I still look at the city, cross arm at my front and thinking deeply suddenly a harsh hand snatch me to face them, and I meet the angry Natalia or should I call her now Natasha

"Tell mo who you really are or else-" she push me in the glass wall, hand in my throat

"Or else what Talia? Throw me at the glass wall or stab me in my heart?" I said encouraging her for what was she capable off

"Don't make me do it" she push me further and tighten the grip in my throat

"I already told you who I am!" Then Sam and Thor take her away from me

"Nat calm down!" Wanda said and I turn to look at the city again, not bothering if their are here watching me

"Just tell us who you really are!"Tony shouted to me

"I already told you!" I still didn't look at them

"Don't lie to us, their's only one person in this world that give me that nickname and told me that exact same sentences and your not in the position to call me that. And that person is at the top of my list to kill" I chuckles to her so at the month that I spend with her and give her lesson then I was kind of her, let her see a little soft side of mine, all of that is gonna turn to killing

"Then why you didn't take the chance to kill her?!" I thought she was meant for me, I like her before but it's not that clear until now it's still not clear but I always think about her

I turn around and you can clearly see the emotionless in my face and aura then I walk to them, they all in here but Natasha is in the front so I grab my knife at my waist, the one I always use to train her that's my favorite kinfe and place it in her hand and guide it in my chest straight to my heart

"Take the chance before you lose it" she have tears in her eyes and I let go of her hand then I can feel the tip of the knife are now digging in

"Nat! this isn't you!" Wanda hold her hand and put it down slowly and throw the knife in my bed with my blood, I chuckle to them

"why you didn't take the chance, I thought she's the top one at your killing list!" Her gaze soften towards me so I made my way back before they barg in

"Is it really you?" I heard her ask in a low voice

"I should be the one asking you that!" She's completely different now, the name, her feelings, she have friends and family, have a good life, but the way she act, talk and her aura it's still the same but I can sense that she's not Natalia anymore

"Uhh- what was happening?" Tony ask

"Can you inform us what was going on?" Thor said

"Can you please explain to us?" Wanda said and I chuckles so she didn't tell anyone about her past, she truly forgot about her past I guess she did that since the night she escape

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