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I wake up in the sigh of Natasha asleep besides me so I quietly get out in bed and go get shower. I was happy that I wake up  besides her, I know I was liking her now this is my first time to feel it. I was smiling like crazy in the shower

After 30 minutes I got out and Natasha is no longer in my bed then I change in a training short and sport bra then a t-shirt then I made my way to the kitchen to find Bucky, Thor and Steve in there and have many pancakes in the middle of the table

"Good morning Y/N" Thor greet me with a big smile so I chuckle

"Good morning too Thor!" And I go to the kitchen and unlock the drawer full of pop tarts then I take 12 pop tarts and face him with a smile I wiggle my hand with pop tarts and his face brighten

"Good morning" the both greet me so I gret them back too

"We're truly sorry about yesterday!" They both said it at the same time

"It's ok, your forgiven!"

I made my way to Thor and sit besides him and I already have plate then put the pop tarts in front of him

"Thank you midguardians" and he start eating it

"Can I have a piece?" Then he hand me the two pop tarts

"Here!" And I said thank you then I place 1 pancake in my plate and start eating after that I go to the training room

I'm the only one here, I place my water bottle, phone and a small towel in the bench then start to run in the treadmill after 50 minutes running I do 100 push up, lifting and pull ups in 1 hours no break and now I was punching the punching bag and I take off my shirt cause it soaking wet I was here for over 2-3 hours when someone spoke


I was watching her for 30 minutes of punching and I got to admit she's pretty good to this, I was looking at her admiring her body and her expression, her abs is stunning gosh I want to touch it, her sweat was hot when it was falling to her forehead

I think I'm having a crush on her no I think I'm falling for her, well I already feel this to her before when she was 15 and I was 17 but I forgot those after I stop looking at her and I meet Wanda then when she show up again my feeling got automatically come back

"Wanna spar?" i ask and she look at me, gosh she's so gorgeous I want to wipe those sweat and smell it

"Sure" and we go to the mat and stretch after that I attack her but like the old times she always dodge it and pin me down, I'm not complaining cause I know that she can do that she's the best of the best

"Advance lesson like the old times?" She ask and help me stand up we spar like hour and she pin me down once

"Yes please" then she nod throw me the bandage, I remember this, she always do this and we began the lesson

"You know what to do!" And she attack me it's fast and I step backwards every time she throw a punch and kick then she pin me down again

"I must say your good as I am than before!" She said and we stand up

"Yeah I always do what you thought to me but you improve much more than before" and she attack me again but slower than before

"Well stack with them for over 25 years is not that bad to learn all of this" then she pin me down again

"Being there in 25 years must be sucks" we do it again

"No, it's not if they thought you that your doing that is for the goods" again she pin me down

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