Chapter 1

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JewelStar stood on the edge of the cliff. JewelStar sighed. It had been nearly twelve moons since BlackStar's death and BloodScar's . I don't deserve to be leader I broke the warrior code. I killed a cat! JewelStar thought. She mourned over the loss of the cat she loved but she had to stay strong for the clan.

BrambleRoad, JewelStar's deputy ran over. "I'm going to organize some patrols JewelStar." BrambleRoad said. "BlondFur, WhiteFlower, HoneyMoon, and BrambleWick. I need you to set the border markers near TreeClan, SandClan, and LakeClan." BrambleRoad said. BlondFur ran out of the medicine cat den looking dreadful. "WhiteFlower can't come." BlondFur said suddenly looking concerned for his mate. "You act as if a cat has never done warrior duties while being pregnant." WhiteFlower said batting at her mates ears.

JewelStar jumped down from the cliff purring. "Congratulations BlondFur!" JewelStar said congratulating her litter mate. BlondFur purred rubbing his head against WhiteFlower's pelt. BrokenStep walked out of the medicine den. "WhiteFlower you should move to the nursery your due in a moon. But I don't see any reason why you shouldnt continue with your warrior duties." BrokenStep said glaring at BlondFur.

BlondFur stepped forward. "I just dont want her to hurt herself." BlondFur said. JewelStar knew BlondFur wasn't going to be quiet until WhiteFlower obeyed him. "WhiteFlower why don't you stay here at camp." JewelStar said. WhiteFlower huffed lashing her tail as she walked away. "MouseFur you'll go instead." JewelStar said. As the patrol left JewelStar walked next to WhiteFlower. "Why don't you come on a hunting Patrol with me." JewelStar said. "Thank you JewelStar." WhiteFlower said. "ToadStep, BrambleRoad, MudTail, and RedFur will come on the hunting patrol with WhiteFlower and I." JewelStar said.

As the hunting patrol left JewelStar strayed to the SandClan border. She smelled fresh border markers. JewelStar dug her claws into the ground as she smelt SandClan scent. The she cat waited patiently to see if a SandClan warrior would cross over the border again. Suddenly the bushes rustled and out stepped LunarHeart. "I thought I smelled CaveClan." LunarStar remarked staying to her side of the border. "How did you know it was me?" JewelStar asked. LunarStar's back arched as she hissed. "Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I don't know who's scent is who's!" LunarStar snarled.

     LunarStar blinked. "What are you doing so close to my borders?" LunarStar asked. JewelStar's pelt fluffed up. "I was getting reports of SandClan scents on my territory so I was seeing if any cat was crossing over the border!" JewelStar said. LunarStar chuckled. "I'm sorry JewelStar I was going to tell the clans at the gathering tonight but some of the kits snuck out to explore and traveled over the boundaries. They are not getting their apprentice names until they are 7 moons old now as their punishment." LunarStar meowed.

    JewelStar meowed with laughter typical kits! "I understand." JewelStar said. She swallowed it felt like it had been when LunarStar and JewelStar had been in the same clan until LunarStar ran away to SandClan. JewelStar stood. "Well I better be going and get ready for the gathering." JewelStar said avoiding her friends eyes. LunarStar nodded in agreement and crashes back into her bush.

     JewelStar lifted her muzzle and caught the scent of a vole. Her eye caught sight of a vole gnawing on a nut. JewelStar stalked it for a moment and with a quick bite to the neck killed it. She carried it over to the rest of the patrol. WhiteFlower had caught a giant rabbit, toadstep had caught a eagle, BrambleRoad and RedFur held a Hawk larger than BrambleRoad in between them, and MudTail had a mouse swinging from his jaws. MudTail dropped his mouse and licked his chest fur a few embarrassed licks.

JewelStar nodded to them. "Great catches! We can feed the whole clan with what BrambleRoad and Redfur caught! " JewelStar said cheerfully. JewelStar happily started to head back to camp when a black ball of fur jumped out at her and knocked her to the ground. "See?! I can even take down JewelStar!" Blackkit boasted. "Wow! Let me try Blackkit!" Redkit said.

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