Chapter One ; Embrace for Impact

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Rain Spattered on the Window of Anne's new room, it was cold and empty, with suitcases spread about and unopened. This was to be the room she spent the next two years in, she begged her body to produce excitement but all she felt was alone.

Mathew and Marilla had left an hour before, and since there departure Anne couldn't be bothered to move anywhere but to the window, starring out into the woods beside her new home.

Begrudgingly, she walked to the door and peered out into the hallway, the corridor was long and filled with identical doors all the way down. A few had light peaking out from underneath, but none made any sounds. The most interesting was a door across the hall a few rooms down with a glowing purple light creeping out from the cracks.
Surely someone with such a majestically bright room couldn't be that bad
Anne reassured herself.

After a Few hours of listening to music and unpacking her few but dear belongings, she felt much more at home. Her Puffy Comforter and colourful lights reminded her of her house and family back on the mainland.

The day was growing deep into the night, and Anne found herself hungry, without any proper guidance she wondered down the stairs, looking for food, or at least another human. Looking in all the wrong places for all the right things, she found a library.

Anne had never been more enchanted, books lined the walls, greats works of science, art, history and literature. It was the most extensive collection she'd ever seen, and most importantly it was all at her disposal, completely forgetting her original task, she explored the library in absolute amusement.

A boy with curly hair and a wide smile sat against the wall with a blanket and a stack of books to keep him disguised.

Gilbert Blythe had seen girls before, he grew up in this very school with a few of them, he had his share of sisters and strangers in public, but it wasn't often that Gilbert Blythe got to meet a new person, let alone a girl.

Gilbert Blythe was loved among his peers, a friend to all and a crush to many, well at least to miss Ruby Gillis. He was popular, popular among his circle of 12, soon to be 13.

Anne had never been very popular, in fact she'd always tried her best to remain invisible around those kinds of people. She found charming people to be arrogant and friendly people to be fake, she'll admit, she isn't the most personable.

She'd mostly succeeded her charge to be invisible, until she found herself tripping and falling into the most popular boy in school.

"Graceful" Anne snapped at herself.

After hitting her head unusually hard, she looked up and saw a wide eye'd smirk and kind eyes. She had almost gotten lost in the way they look like the connection of wet pavement and grass, when she was pulled into reality by his words.

"Watch yourself now, carrots"

and suddenly Anne wasn't the only one with a possible concussion.

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