Chapter Nine ; A fountain of truth litered with lies

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Darkness crept over Lavendish Acadamy. The storm had knocked out the power source keeping the home bright. Canadian Falls brought low temperatures, the kids were in for a long night.

Circled around a battery powered heater, wrapped in a flurry of blankets sat Cole, Charlie and Gilbert.

"Cole, you don't understand how much i envy you, I have to watch my girl swoon over Carrot-Boy every day. You just live your life, untainted by girls, obsessed with your art, sounds nice." Charlie rambled. He loved Ruby, even if he hadn't introduced that word to his vocabulary yet, it was the truth.

"Char, I don't see why you keep going for her, you deserve better than someone who isn't interested. There are other girls out there."
Gilbert cut in. Charlie's crush on Ruby had manifested into much more, he hated seeing his friend so torn up about an unrequited love.

Cole snapped, mocking Gilbert. Charlie Laughed, Gilbert, did not.

"Ive tried, I would love to like someone else. It always leads back to her. She stares off during Science lessons and uses me as a human wikipedia, she hums when she's nervous. I love her when she's right about something, her nose crinkles and she's cocky for the rest of the hour. But I love her when she's wrong, I love her when she's stubborn and refuses to admit it. I trust her with my life, even if she makes the wrong decisions i'd rather go down with her than do well with someone else."
Charlie Confessed.

"Did you just say you Lo-"

"Holy shit I love her."
Charlie sat for the next few minutes with his jaw dropped to the floor and eyes wider than the equator. He did it, he realized.

"He'll reset in a moment."
Gilbert Joked to Cole.

"Why DO you not get caught up in your feelings for people? Do you just not care?"
Gilbert Started, looking to Cole for a response

"Well, I had this thing this summer."

"Oh shit, tell me more."
Charlie snapped back into reality, not ready to face his feelings.

"It was cool, I started to like them, but it was only for the summer, it could never work between us and now i'm just throwing myself into my art to move on." Cole nodded along.

"Was she hot?"
Sprouted Charlie, who was met with Gilbert's Fist against his arm.

Just as Cole was Considering delivering all the gory details, someone walked in. The group went dead silent, whether it be for the greedy reason of wanting to hoard the heat, or because no one was ready to finish that conversation, they didn't make a sound.

On the other side of the library was a girl with a fiery temper and a boy with a distressed Brown leather jacket.

"I can't Explain it moods, I promise it's not that i like him, I'm just, connected to him. Like we keep having these moments but they end abruptly, Maybe we're just really close friends, I haven't had many so i suppose I can't dictate why it's weird."
Anne rambled, tracing her hands along the table her and moody took a seat at.

Unbeknownst to them, Gilbert, Cole and Charlie were intently listening in.

"I don't know Annie, what makes you so sure you don't like him." Moody questioned.

"Well, He's, he's very kind and very smart and he can hold a good conversation and I won't deny he's attractive but, but I'm an orphan, I don't like people, I definitely don't do relationships, and he obviously hates me."

"You're telling me reasons you can't not why you don't." Responded Moody, with a worried look. 

Moody and Anne stayed in the library for about another half hour just discussing their general lives. After they left the group of three followed.

Cole had somewhere he needed to be. He marched up to Billie's room, whether it be passion or love fuelling him, he was moving fast.

He swung open the door and shut it behind him just as quickly. The room was cold, the tension was hot. They locked eyes, connected, more intimately than they had been the entire summer. This was different. Questions hung over their heads, words begging to be spoken. The space between them was wide, but somehow they felt closer than they had ever been.

A bead of cold sweat slid down the side of Cole's neck, he had made it to the room, he'd faced billie openly for the first time since everything crumbled. He had no Idea what to do next.

"I was in the library with the guys, and they were talking about love, and they both felt so empty, I couldn't look them in the eye. I've been denying what everyone else was looking for, and I really just, I want you. I don't know anything else, but I want you." Cole said breathlessly.

Billie was faced with a choice, deny Cole the love he had finally come to accept and keep his life simple. The easy choice was tempting, an uncomplicated life was a happy life, but it wasn't nearly as tempting as Cole.

He made the hard decision, the only decision that would leave him with a life of no regrets, he leapt out've the bed and collided with Cole.

So many questions buried between their lips, so many fears bubbling around their connected skin. They had no answers, no security, but they had each-other. In highs, In lows, they had each-other.

In a very different headspace on the other side of the school, paced Charlie Sloan.



Ruby Sloan

Oh shut up charlie you're getting so far ahead of yourself

He thought to himself. Desperately trying to calm his thoughts. 1 step forward, 2 steps forward, 3 steps forward, he repeated to himself.

Charlie was faced with quite the obstacle. Somehow, he needed to convince the girl of his dreams to fall out of infatuation with his best friend, so that he could confess his love to her. Only Charlie Sloan could get himself in such a conundrum.

Without a clue how to proceed, he walked up to Ruby's room. He wasn't going to burst in and profess his undying love for the girl, he wasn't a maniac........ 

He was confused on what to do, no question there, and he wanted comfort from his best friend. Really he just missed her, regardless of what happens next, he knows that he'll always have her friendship. Connected.

He knocked on the door and was met with a petite smile on a petite girl.

"Hey Ace, whatcha watching."
He greeted, offering a box of german chocolate, Ruby's favorite. She always found them romantic.

"An analysis of the worlds top three most listened to symphony's, it's a lecture video, I know it's not exciting or anything but it's just so romantic, they're all songs to their lost loves. It's terribly depressing but, I just love love. I'll turn it off tho-"

"No don't, I'll watch it with you." He smiled. She spent the next two hours studying her passion, while he spent the next two hours studying her. Completely Content.

Hey Guys !! Another Romantic Chapter, I am absolutely falling in love with these ships. How about y'all? Billie and Cole are this burning red passion of confusion and heat keeping me at the edge of my seat while Ruby and Charlie are a pure gold and pink, sparkling like a fine bottle of champagne while Billie and Cole are Fire Whiskey. Alright, super important, vote on Charlie and Ruby's song

1, Tenerife Sea

2, Dive

If you have any other suggestions, let me know ! I really feel like they have an Ed sheeran vibe. Let me know what you think about the chapter, what you want to see next, and of course, don't forget to Vote and comment.

Sincerely Luna

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