Chapter Eleven ; A tell tale heart

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As the night came to a close and people started to drift to sleep, the power never came back on. Unfortunately for the Lavendish kids, the next few days looked like they would be quite cold.

Deep into the evening of the next day, everyone was finally awake.

Charlie and Ruby awoke droopy eyed and smiley, continuing conversations of last night.

"It's the last day of autumn holiday. It'll be at my Lake house, everyone here is invited but invitations haven't gone out. I'm terrified."
Started Ruby, talking about the Fall Ball her family had planned to host.

"Why're you scared?"

"Well, it's tradition in the gillis family for the youngest daughter of age to dance, this year it's me. I don't have a partner nor do I know how and I won't have time to take lessons, it'll be horrible."
She babbled.

"Do you want to practice?"
Charlie asked, anticipating a no.

"You would practice with me?"
Asked Ruby, Wide Eyed.

"I mean we don't have to, i'm sure there's someone else you'd rather practice with-"
Charlie was interrupted by Ruby Leaping to give him a hug.

She stood up and pressed out her clothes, turning on a song she had always found beautifully romantic.

[Play Song]

Charlie started by snaking his arm around her waistline and extending his other for her to latch onto.

"It's a simple few step sequence."
He said Quietly, hardly audible over the music.

"Move where I move one second delayed."
He instructed.

"How will I know where you're moving too?"
She questioned, starring down at his feet.

"Don't look down, look into my eyes. I'll guide the direction you move with my hand."

She giggled.

Soon enough, they were dancing around her room in perfect harmony. Her blonde hair swayed with the rhythm of his hips and their eyes stayed connected entirely.

He dipped her lightly, causing them both to burst into a fit of laughter. When he swung her back up, the laughter stopped and the song slowed.

"Who are you dancing with at the ball?" Charlie asked, his voice low and curious.

Ruby was interrupted by none other than Josie Pye bursting through the door.

"Alright guys! Parlor Games in my room, c'mon quick I don't like to be kept waiting!"
She ordered, Diana standing close behind her.

After the rest of the kids had assembled around Josie's room, Anne found her place in between Diana and Cole.

"Where's Gilbert?"
She asked anxiously.

"He never comes to these things?" Responded Diana, trying to play off her urgent gazes in every direction.

Her mind was flying a million miles a minute, from Charlie and Ruby's hardly less than intimate glances, to the way Josie's curls fell perfectly down her back and her eyes sparkled with mischief back to her bosom friends sudden interest in the whereabouts of Gilbert Blythe.

With so much happening, she hardly noticed Billy sitting on the other side of Cole, how strange.

"Alright everyone, lets kick it with a classic, Truth or dare!"
Josie said excitedly.

"I don't know Josie, that always ends in conflict-"
Moody protested.

"Exactly, hush."
She started, gazing around the room for her first victim.

"Charlie, Truth or Dare?"
She continued.

"Truth." He sighed.

"Who is the prettiest girl in the room?"

"Oh, Uhm, Well that depends, on, uhm, when you think about it, beauty is only an illusion. People have fought wars over women that men today wouldn't bat an eye for, really it's in the eye of the beholder."
He finished proudly.

"Oh come on that was such a cop out- Gilbert!"
Anne responded, realizing how excitedly she greeted Gilbert only after the fact, who had decided to join. Blush creeping down both of their necks.

"Thought I'd join for old times sake."
He said charmingly. A Cheshire Grin adorning his face

"Good, you can take over for Charlie, who's the prettiest girl in the room?" Fired Josie.

He shot back instantly, heart pounding as everyone in the room starred back intensely.

"What? A cute girl is a cute girl."
He smiled, taking a seat beside Charlie.

So apparently i'm like, incabable of writing long chapters Now A days, Who knows. Anyways, I love this chapter. Am I the only one who is shipping Charby and cares more about Charby's story like than gilbert and anne lol. I promise to focus more on Gilbert and Anne in the future, i'm just so in love wirh developing charlie and ruby. What're your thoughts on Billy & Cole? How about Diana and Josie ? Lmk!!

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