Chapter Two : I think we're going to be good friends

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"I'm sorry but it is absolutely inconceivable that you would consider this fine work of literature anything less than symbolic brilliance"

"Gilbert you're just going to have to learn that any book about a collection of men and only men will always end in chaos, and that's not because of brilliant writing, it's because boys are stupid, and even the boys writing the boys know that boys are stupid."

"I can't believe you'd say that about lord of the flies"

"I can't believe-"
Anne was cut off by her stomach rumbling again, this time it's volume echoed throughout the Library, each time she remembered her original task to get food, her opponent stated another literary theory. As much as she loved food, she loved a good debate more.

"It's gotten so late, brown-eyes, what is detention like here? do you think we'll get caught?"
said anne, analyzing the room around her, devising the fastest route back to her room.

"For the last time, my eyes are Hazel!" His words were high pitched but rough, playful in a way, sliding off his lips like liquid. Talking to this girl was easy, easier than the theory of relative physics, and what could be easier than that.

"C'mon Shirley."
He gestured, grabbing at her wrist. The contact was weird for both of them, the last time they connected was when Anne thrusted an aged copy of to kill a mockingbird in his direction almost two hours ago. When she missed and the book hit the floor, He spouted out some quick-witted insult on the author missing the mark, from that point on it was the most aggressive and amplified socratic seminar to grace Canada.

"You're going to get us caught! I am not going to get thrown out of here on my first day because a dim-wit, sheltered, Steven hawking wanna be decided it would be fun to break the rules."
She spat at him.

Gilbert Dropped her hand immediately. He was elated to meet someone new, but this girl was simply mean, his hurt glimmered in the eyes she only moments ago, was infatuated with.

"There's no one here to catch us Anne." He said coldly, turning away. After two hours of conversation, neither of the pair had managed to use each other's first names past initial introduction.

As far as first impressions went, she hadn't made a good one. She hadn't stopped to think that she wouldn't get in trouble, in the various asylums and even with Marilla, breaking the rules resulted in punishment, only now, the walls that once fenced her in are no where to be seen, but Anne is still pushing herself into a tight box.

After waiting awhile to ensure that Gilbert had made it up the stairs and into his room, Anne followed his path and made her way to her own room. A few tears welling up in her eyes. For how could she have done this again? She could never make friends, the closest she had was the farm hand back home, and he was practically paid to listen. She was given the opportunity to create bonds with like minded individuals and given no restrictions, yet here she is walking to her room at 2 am alone. Day one, and one enemy.

After walking into her room with her head hung low, she made her way to the bed, where she sat solemnly and noticed her bedding was a bit more blue than she remembered.

Sitting beside her was a very beautiful, excitingly confused girl.

"Ohmygod- I'm sorry I thought this was my room- excuse me-"
Anne Shuffled out the door, in a rush to hide her sniffles.

"Don't be! My names Diana, it's my pleasure to meet you. Your room is one door down, don't worry though, it's alright. I wanted to meet you anyways, this just kickstarted the experience!" Diana Said eagerly.

"What're you here for?" Diana continued

Anne didnt want to be so frank, her words sounded sour when she heard them allowed, she was not very good at this friendship thing.

"No silly, I mean, what's your niche, talent, skill, the thing that made the world decide to send you into isolation. Just kidding of course, mostly"
They both chuckled.

"Oh, right, English? I mean i like to read and write and i wrote this essay that got me in and-"
Interrupting Anne for the 100th time that night was a boy in the doorway, and the last person Anne wanted to see.

"Hey di, do you have a-"
He cut himself off, noticing Anne starring back at him.

"I'm sensing a lot of aggression here, the veins in your neck are popping Gilbert, that only happens in context to your mother because of your deep routed abandon-"

"Diana Stop Psycho-Analyzing me, we get it, you're all knowing. Did you consider I don't want everyone to know?"
He spat before walking away.

"Gilbert! what did you need?"
She was met with only silence. This would be the start of a great school year.

"Anyways, My thing is Neuroscience and Psychology, speaking of which, you shifted uncomfortably when I was talking about Gilbert's reaction, indicating your fear of me doing the same to you, do you have vulnerability issues? I can only guess it stems from instability"

"Diana, I think we're going to be good friends"

Diana smiled at that, most people were annoyed by her rambling, that is besides the Lavendish kids, they were far past used to it.


"Why wouldn't we be, you already know everything about me!" they both laughed again.

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