Chapter Twelve : Sunsets and heartbreaks

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"Do you want to go for a hike?"
There was absolutely no way Gilbert Blythe was asking Anne Shirley to go on a hike. They were friends, they were close even, but they were not hike going people.

"In this weather? You're crazy. You're literally wearing Converse!"
Anne laughed. It was freezing, and as much as she adored the outdoors and would never turn down a competition, this was a little much.

"Oh c'mon carrots it'll be fun. You're not afraid of a little challenge are you?"
He teased, baiting her into a hike with a bit of friendly rivalry.

"Absolutely not, I'll be ready in just a few minutes, let me go grab my coat."
She huffed, returning with a clunky dark purple jacket lined in leather.

The two were off to forage through the wilderness, exaggerating their readiness and laughing along the way, they made it to an overlook Gilbert was fond of.

Seated by a make shift camp fire for warmth they laughed in tune. The sunlight started to dim and they were accompanied by a beautiful sunset. They could see the school and the lake that occupied a mass to the left.

"I never would've picked you as the outdoorsy type Gil, you've always got your head stuck in a book."
Anne started, twiddling with a few twigs in between the two.

"You're one to talk Anne-Girl. You read circles around me."
He chuckled, engaging in eye contact with the pale blue eyes across from him.

"Fair enough."
She nodded, waiting for him to turn away.

Alas he did, gazing back at the orange hue glistening in the sky.

"My father owned an orchard, I used to go apple picking with him, it was one of my happiest memories as a kid."
He smiled.

"That's sweet. What happened to the orchard?"
She questioned, cocking an eye brow adoringly.

"It's still there, when my father passed away it went to our family friend Bash, I live with him and try to work the land as much as I can in the summers."
He didn't often share that his father had passed a year ago, his closest friends knew but it was still such a deep wound.

"I'm so sorry for your loss."
Anne didn't dare bring up his mom, Gilbert was aware she knew, everyone did, but that was a wound that would never quite heal, or so he thought.

"Thank you for dragging me out here."
She added.

"Are you cold? Must we huddle for warmth? Maybe a little spooning..."
He chuckled, scooting closer to her.

"Sounds almost like you're flirting with me Gilbert."
She taunted.

"And if i was?"

"I would laugh."

"That's awefully rude shirley."
He playfully pouted.

"Trust me Gil, you don't want to flirt with someone like me, I'm damaged goods."

"Don't talk about yourself that way Anne, you're more worthy of love than anyone I've ever met."
He said passionately, starring into her eyes with an intensity he could only muster for her.

"Lack of being loved doesn't make me worthy of it."
She responded with a hurt look.

She was reserved, with walls surrounding her heart and a million mind games lined up to keep it that way, as tempting as it was, she wasn't ready to let the preppy hazel eyed boy with a cheshire grin change her whole world.

They continued to sit there in silence, so many things left unsaid, hanging over their heads. Anne couldn't decipher why he cared for her, she wasn't anything special and he was miraculous. He was something she only thought possible to conceive while

A few hours later, once the night had officially come to a close the Lavendish Kids received their invitations to the Gillis Ball. What a marvellous place to be.

You're cordially Invited to the Gillis Fall Ball
November 25th
Room Accommodations assigned once RSVP'D
We hope to see you there
Signed - The Gillis Family

This was the closest thing the students would ever get to a school dance, and the break from Lavendish Reaponsibilities would create quite the chaotic atmosphere. All the students Obliged to Spend their Autumn Holiday at the Gillis Manner.

May the festivities begin.

Hey Guys !! Thoughts on this chapter?? I think it's some solid shirbert content!! Next chapter will be At the Gillis House and be preparing for the fall ball!! I'm so excited, and have so much in store !! Comment some songs you want to be featured !! Tell me what you think!!

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