Letters and Tulips (Sakuatsu)

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Miya Atsumu had died at age 17, the cause of death being homicide. He was killed by his brother, whom hated the man. But the police didn't know that, neither the press. But especially not Atsumu's boyfriend, Sakusa Kyoomi. He thought that Osamu loved Atsumu as much as The latter loved him.

He had been poisoned, quite obviously done by someone else due to the amount of beating that had happened. Bruises and cuts, blood everywhere. Although, while he was on his death bed, he had wrote something.

The letter was addressed to Sakusa Kyoomi, and was to be given to him after Atsumu's Funeral. Though that would be two weeks from the time he was officially announced dead. During that two weeks, Kyoomi mourned.

He had cried more than he had ever cried in his life. He didn't take care of himself either. Being a germaphobe, you would have thought that a showers were a must. But he didn't shower until he had to go to the funeral. He barely ate, and most of the liquid that would go in his mouth would be salty, warm tears.

When the two weeks had passed, Kyoomi had made himself presentable and went to Atsumu's funeral. He looked halfway decent, though to every one else he looked very stunning. Some of Atsumu's, cousins and aunts had their hungry eyes in him, looking like lions about to catch prey. Disgusting, Kyoomi thought as he went to go sit in his assigned seat.

Kyoomi was trying his hardest not to cry all throughout the speeches. He had heard by boyfriend's name many times, and it reminded him of the memories they had together. He remembered Atsumu's honey-like accent, and how it was so beautiful when he talked, he remembered the cocky and confident side of Atsumu, and his annoyingly selfless other side.

How he had always put others first, and was eager to help anyone and everyone. He remembered their first date, and how Kyoomi thought it was just adorable how Atsumu stuttered throughout it and how his face was a bright red the entire time.

Snd after the ceremony, Kyoomi was about to go home. To wallow in himself and think about his now deceased boyfriend, who he loved dearly. But just then, he was stopped. He had been grabbed by the shoulder by the pastor, who had spoken at the ceremonial part of Atsumu's Funeral.

Kyoomi's germaphobia kicked in, and he stepped back abruptly, scowling at the man. The man had ignored it, and gave him a letter. A letter? Kyoomi was confused. Before he could ask about it, the man had disappeared, not in sight.

Once he had gotten home, Kyoomi opened the letter. He was curious as to what it was. As he sat down on his bed, he started to read

Dear Omi,
I hope yer doin' well. I don't know when you'll get this, or  if ya ever will. I just want to ask that you'll forget about me. I'm aware who killed me, an' I already forgave them. I hope ya  find someone else, who will treat ya even better than I did. Someone who will stay with withcha for longer than I did. I hope ya stop cryin over me, if ya were. I'll always love ya forever Kyoomi, no matter what.
Goodbye Kyoomi, I'll love ya always.
Yours truly, Atsumu.

The letter was pretty short, though considering the man was on his death bed while writing it, it made sense. Kyoomi didn't know when he had started crying, and didn't notice until he saw a small wet stop on the paper.

He felt the hot, salty tears stream down his face and he crumpled the parts of the paper he was holding. He started to cry harder and harder until there was a large wet spot on his bed and he had a massive headache.

He continued to lay on the bed, his boyfriend's face coming into view across from him on the bed, smiling with the smile that brightened up Kyoomi's life.


Sakusa Kyoomi had died at age 23 to an accidental homicide. He was in a car crash, and died to loss of blood. Nearly 6 years after his boyfriends death, he had never forgotten about Miya Atsumu like had been asked of him.

He had never taken another lover, had no one night stands or flings either. His state had gotten better because of him burying his time in volleyball. He had always thought of Atsumu, sometimes he could remember his beautiful face and adorable smile, and feel happy.


When Kyoomi had woken up, he was in a filed. A filed of tulips to be exact, he instantly remembered that those were Atsumu's favorite flower. Tulips, he thought. There were all kinds of colors, and the sky was clear. It was warm and comforting, and Kyoomi was about to fall into a trance.

Je closed his eyes and relaxed, something he hadn't done in a long time. That all stopped when he heard that beautiful honey accent that he knew all so well. Omi-kun! A male with faux blonde hair and  beautiful hazel eyes called out.

He looked breathtaking, quite literally as he knocked the air out of Kyoomi's lungs. He had on a flower crown, made of pink, yellow, and white tulips. His face was glowing and he was laughing as he ran towards Kyoomi. He toppled over on Sakusa and nuzzled into his chest.

Kyoomi gripped on to his hair for dear life, afraid that the boy might leave him again. Atsumu... Kyoomi had whispered. Yes, Omi baby? Atsumu had said, his sweet honey accent causing the words to sound amazing rolling off of his tongue.

Atsumu.. Atsumu, Atsumu!  Kyoomi started to repeat Atsumu's name over and over. Omi, Omi, Omi,  Omi!  Atsumu mimicked Kyoomi, giggling as he did. Kyoomi sat up, taking Atsumu with him. Atsumu let out a small yelp but was quickly silenced as he felt a pair of lips on his own. He quickly kissed back as Kyoomi put his hands on Atsumu's waist.

The kiss was passionate, and Kyoomi was in a state of euphoria. He was finally with his Atsumu. The love of his life. His home. He ruffled Atsumu's hair, and put Atsumu's flower crown back on which had previously fallen off.

Never leave me again, please... Kyoomi sobbed out not even realizing that he had started crying. I won't, I promise... Atsumu said, tears starting to roll down his cheeks as well. They stayed like that for a while, holding each other as they sat in the field of tulips, whispering sweet things into each other's ears.

I love you.. I love you so much Kyoomi whispered to Atsumu, bringing their foreheads together. I love you too, Kyoomi. Atsumu whispered back, as they kissed once more, finally being back at home

1153 words

Wooo it is 4 30 am and I wrote fluffy angst for you whores!
Jkjk but fr i hope you guys enjoyed this, and ty for the love I've been getting on these!

That's all! Love you hoes

Singing off,

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