Small problems (Sakuatsu)

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'Nice set, Tsum-tsum!'
Bokuto had yelled out. They were currently in a practice match with the swndai frogs, and were winning. They had won the first set while the Sendai frogs won the second one. They were currently winning the third set a score of 23- 20.

Atsumu was trying really hard in this game. Not to win, necessarily. But to distract him from his absolute greek God
that was his boyfriend. And just his luck, it was Sakusa's turn to serve.

Sakusa grabbed the ball, and threw it up. He took a running start, and jumped up to hit the ball. Due to his wrists, he was able to get a nasty hit which immediately hit the ground. The other team didn't even have the time to even register receiving it.

Though Atsumu wasn't even paying attention to that perfect spike, rather how perfect his boyfriend looked. Kyoomi was practically glowing, his muscles were covered in sweat and he had a concentrated look on his face. While he was quickly falling down, it seemed like slow motion to Atsumu.

His shirt has slightly gone up, and Atsumu could see it all. He could see his perfectly sculpted 8-pack and he could also see his v-line, which led to something much bigger.

Atsumu was staring for so long that he didn't even realize it was his turn to serve until Hinata yelled at him. He quickly apologized and got ready to serve.

Little did he know that Sakusa was just about as horny as himself. Probably hornier if we're being honest. Let's just say that it was astonishing that Kyoomi was doing so well in this practice match considering how all he could think about was Atsumu.

The match ended with the Jackals winning. Since the Sendai frogs had come to their gym, all they had to do was shower and go home. Both teams congratulated each other and the frogs left. Both Atsumu and Kyoomi usually showered at their shared home, though no one knew that.

They had been extremely discreet, and thorough to make sure that no one knew they were dating. They left the house, one early and one on time. Though they occasionally switched it up. They did leave together, but they were always the last ones to leave.

Atsumu usually practicing his serves and Kyoomi thoroughly disinfecting himself. Both usually left together, since their home was close and cars are unsanitary, says Kyoomi. Though today, Kyoomi left earlier than Atsumu.

Atsumu immediately assumed that he was desperate to take a shower. He was covered in sweat and God knows what'll happen if he isn't clean 24/7. Though that was what Kyoomi was only partially worried about.

That's because if he had stayed there a little longer, Atsumu would have been pinned down to a wall, moaning.

When Atsumu walked into him and Kyoomi's shared house, his lover was no where to be seen. But judging by then lit candles that Atsumu loves to keep in the house and the smell of udon, his boyfriend was here.

He had gotten here around 20 minutes after Kyoomi, because he actually decided to shower at the gym instead of at home because he thought that Kyoomi was anxious and would shower forever

Though the shower wasn't running, it was obvious that some food was made. He walked into the kitchen, hoping to see his boyfriend. But sadly, Sakusa was nowhere to be seen. Atsumu sighed and went to go put his bag in their shared room.( Atsumu was surprised that Kyoomi slept in the same bed as him to be honest)

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