Mafia AU (Sakuatsu)

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Sakusa's POV

"Where's the money?" I growled into his ear. He was a big shot Gang leader. We had made a deal three years back for me lending him some cash, but he still hasn't paid me back for it. "I d-don't have the money right now, but I promise I'll p-pay you back!" He stammered. "Thats what you said 2 years ago. If you don't have the money, I guess I'll have to kill you." I whisper into his ear. I was smirking, but youcouldn'tsee from underneath my mask."W-wait please n-no! I'll have your money ok-"

I shot him in the head three times.
"Kurro!" "Yes boss?" "Clean up the body and any traces of evidence." "On it!" I walk out of the alleyway, wanting to go was early in the morning on the high crime side of town, so the chances of getting caught were low. One of my drivers pull up and they escort me to the car.
Time skip

It was currently 7 pm, and I was driving back home from work. I hadn't seen Atsumu, my fiance, all day. So I wanted to see the time I realized, I was already at the house. I stop the car i walk to the house. When I get inside, I see Atsumu cooking dinner. "Hey Omi-kun!" He says enthusiastically. "Evening 'Tsumu." I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. I bury my face in the crook of his neck, nuzzling my face into his neck. "Stop it omi!that tickles!" He says as he starts to giggle. He's so cute and innocent, there's no way I could tell him that I was a mafia boss.

No way...

Atsumu's POV
I knew Omi-kun was a mafia boss

I found out when he was out on a "business trip" a couple of months ago. He had forgotten it on our nightstand and came back for it soon after. I acted like I didn't notice and just went on with my day. Needless to say, I was surprised and kinda worried about Omi-kun. But I knew nothing would happen to me. Believe it or not, my father was a big time gang leader. So he was always around shady people and our house was attacked frequently. So I know how to defend myself and fight back. I always had some type of weapon on me. Even when I slept. (A.N. except after se-) I continue to make dinner, Omi touching on my waist, head resting on my shoulder. I finish up making dinner, and we sit down to eat. We eat in comfortable silence, putting our plates up after we finish eating. "Hey Omi-kun, wanna watch a movie?" I ask. "Sure 'Tsumu" we end up watching the entire lord of the rings series. Halfway into the 2nd movie, I start to drift off into sleep. The last thing I remember is Omi kissing me on the forehead, before I fall asleep.
Le next day

I wake up and open my eyes, but I can't see. Is that...cloth? I go to take off the fabric, but I can't move my hands. I'm tied together I think. My mouth is also covered and my feet are tied together. How am I going to get out of this.. i think. Then I remember... I have a pocket knife! My hands are tied close to my back pocket, which is where the knife is. I carefully try and grab the knife, then I hear a door open and voices talking as they enter the room. I think there's about three. I had successfully gotten the pocket knife, and was now cutting the rope on my hands. It was hard, considering the angle my hands were at. The voices were getting closer, and I could start to make out what they were saying. "Yes, this man should be able to convince Sakusa to agree to our deal." I heard a voice say. "Great job boss, I knew you could do it." I hear a chipper voice say. I feel the mask being taken off of my face. "Who's there?" I ask in a seemingly scared and timid voice. "Oh! You're awake!" I hear the first voice say. "Now don't worry your precious little head off. You're in good hands." He says with what seems like a devilish voice. "Now we'll just leave you here pretty boy~" he says and proceeds to exit the room. I start to cut the rope faster, leaving no time to waste. After about a minute or so of this, I successfully managed to get my hands out of the rope. I immediately take of the blindfold, finally getting to see. I start to cut the rope on my feet. After a minute or so of doing that, I got the ropes off my ankles. I look at my surroundings, curious as to where I am. It looks like I'm in some type of storage room, and I don't like it. I see the door to the outside, and go toward it. Now, the hard part is going to be successfully sneaking out of here. In the corner of my eye, I see a pistol with some ammo next to it. Thats gonna make my job much easier i think, smirking

Sakusa's POV

I was at work, sorting some deals that I had gotten recently. Then I got a phone call from an unknown number. I hesitate to answer, but I doesn't look like a scam. So I answer it."Hello?" I say. "Hello Sakusa Kyoomi. We have your husband held hostage. If you would like to see him, you will come to (shiriTORIZAWA) *****." I immediately hang up the phone and call Tsumu. He doesn't answer. He never ignores my calls. I check his location; he's still at home. "Tendou!" "Yes boss?" He says. "Prepare me a car. Immediately." "Yes sir." Then he zooms off. Wait for me,Tsumu. I think as I prepare to leave.

To be continued...
It's been a fat minute, sorry! I haven't been feeling my best. And sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger, but I had to split it up into different parts. But I hope you're all doing well, and drink some water!



1068 words.

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