I Just Want Love! (IwaOi)

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Third POV

Oikawa was pissed.

He had been around Iwazumi all day trying to talk to him but Iwazumi just kept ignoring him. Oikawa didn't know what he did wrong and it was pissing him off. He tried hugging Iwazumi but he just kept pushing him off. He tried annoying him but Iwazumi surprisingly just ignored him. This kept going on and Oikawa was mad.

Now, the real reason that Iwazumi was ignoring Oikawa was because earlier that morning Oikawa was flirting with some second year girl. And she was pretty too. No one knew that the two boys were dating so Oikawa still had to keep up the 'playful flirting' act to keep up his image. This made Iwazumi pissed so he decided to ignore Oikawa for the rest of the day.

They had just gotten finished with practice and both boys were walking home. Iwazumi still wasn't talking to Oikawa. Oikawa was fed up with this so out of the blue, he just kissed Iwazumi.

Iwazumi's POV

I still wasn't talking to Oikawa on the way home because I was still mad. That girl was waaaaaay to touchy-feely with Oikawa and it made me furious. I was still thinking about this morning when Oikawa stopped me and kissed me.

Oikawa's POV

I was fed up with Iwa-chan's stupidness so I stopped him from walking and kissed him. I was surprised, but he kissed me back. I melted into the kiss. He bit my lip, asking for entrance, which I gave to him. We stayed like this until we desperately needed air. After the kiss I asked, "why have you been ignoring me, Iwa-chan?"

Iwazumi's POV

"Why have you been ignoring me, Iwa-chan?" His sweet, silky voice rung in my head. Why'd he have to be so danm cute?! I couldn't take it anymore. I told him everything. About how I was jealous of that b*tch (we don't use words like that in this household 😤) and why I ignored him, everything. After I finished  he kissed me again and I kissed back. He departed from my lips, making me long for that taste again.  "Awwwwwww Hagime, you know that my heart only belongs to you. " He said as he flashed me a cheeky grin and all of my worries went away. God how I loved his smile. "I'm sorry Toruū. I won't ignore you anymore. I said as I gave him a kiss on his forehead. " You would've given up sooner or later. No one can resist me for long periods of time." He said with a smirk. "Dammit Shittykawa. I was trying to be sentimental.




This concludes the first chapter of my one shot book! Lemme know what you think of this!

462 words

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