Criminally in love (Sakuatsu)

204 8 4

Tw: mild sexual content
Murderer × Civilian AU

Atsumu had just gotten off of work, exhausted. He had taken over a shift because his boss asked him too. Atsumu had always been a pushover, working his 9-5 office job that was usually a 9-9.

He got paid extra though, so it was worth it in his opinion. He was stacking up papers onto his desk neatly, and put them in his desk drawer. He was getting ready to leave, when the news came on.

The killer that has been tormenting the town for months now struck again. The only reason we know that people have been killed in the first place is the fact that the body is there. There's no blood or fingerprints, just the dead body. The newest body, belonging to Tetsuro Kurro, was found just 2 hours ago in an alleyway. Stay safe folks, and Don walk alone at night! That's all for right now, we'll be back after this short commercial break.

Atsumu sighed, he wasn't worried. Although his job is relatively close to his house so he walks instead of using his car. But again, he'd be a-okay. Perfectly fine.

Atsumu was almost home, he just had to go through this alleyway. No, he didn't live in a shady neighborhood. There was just a gap between some apartment buildings, that's all. He was tired and just wanted to get home.
But life decided to fuck with him, like always.

He was in the middle of the alleyway, where the darkness was most eminent. He was suddenly pulled against someone, and a knife at his throat. Atsumu sighed, and proceeds to relax into the person's arms.

'Didn't you see the news? You're not supposed to be alone outside right now, are you? Shouldn't you be inside A-stu-mu' The man had on a black mask, but Atsumu could practically see the smirk on his face.

Atsumu didn't say anything, instead just relaxed into the man's embrace more. Who had moved the knife away from his throat now. Atsumu sighed, and looked at the killer with judging eyes

'Well maybe I would be able to walk outside alone if it weren't for a certain person.' Atsumu sneered. The man let out a scoff and looked at Atsumu with amused eyes.

'And what does that have to do with me, hmm?' Atsumu looked at him, unamused. 'I can turn ya in, ya know that?' Atsumu said, bluffing.

'But you're too inlove with me to do it' The unidentified man said, calling Atsumu's bluff.

Atsumu attempted to get out of the man's embrace, but was instead pulled against the man even more.
'Omi- let me go' Atsumu whined, wriggling against the man's- Omi's, crotch unknowingly.

He softly groaned as Astumu was still attempting to pull out of his embrace. 'Atsumu, stop moving' The man said, holding Atsumu down even harder.

'Then let go of me- oh.' He then noticed the bulge against his ass. Atsumu smirked, he knew how to get home and how to bring a certain curly-haired killer with him.

'What's wrong? Did I do something, Ky-yoo-mi?' Atsumu taunted, he knew just how to rile up His lover.

Ah yes, his lover. Sakusa Kyoomi, age 23, and currently one of the most active and famous Serial killer's in Tokyo. Though, no one actually knew who he was.

Except Atsumu, of course.

'How 'bout we go back 'ta my place, Kyoomi-kun~' Atsumu slurred out. 'What a filthy tone, Atsumu.  Who knew you could sound so erotic~'  Kyoomi shot back.

'Maybe you could find out later tonight, hn?' It was a question, and one that Kyoomi answered pretty quickly.

'Why not right now?'

'I'm not letting you fuck me in a alleyway Omi.'

'No, of course not. But let's go back to your place, hmm~?'

That's all Atsumu needed. Kyoomi had relaxed his skull-crushing grip on Atsumu's wrists (which were red because of that grip.) And flipped himself around to kiss Kyoomi.

Sakusa wasted no time in returning it, grabbing his waist in the process. His cold hands went under Atsumu's button-up shirt, as he started to feel on his waist.

Kyoomi loved Atsumu's waist. It was so, so very pretty. It was his favorite part of Atsumu, right next to his thighs of course. Kyoomi had the urge to touch it, all the time.

He continued to kiss Atsumu, and Atsumu's hands were already buried into his dark, curly hair. The kiss lasted around 3 minutes until they both pulled back to catch their breaths.

Atsumu's face was a bright shade of red and his breath was labored. He was panting as he was trying to catch his breath. He looked so very beautiful.

Despite still gasping for air, Atsumu said through a wide smirk

'Thought ya'd never ask, Omi.'


Holy Jesus, I haven't uploaded in a hot minute. But I really hoped you liked this one-shot! You can 100% give me requests because I'm sure you guys are tired of Sakuatsu. I will never not be tired of them because their my otp lol.

That's all, folks!

Sleep static

878 words (including A/N)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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