Ch. 1 - Admin

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Fresh floated in the Void. Opening his eyes he regarded the darkness curiously. He could sense something lurking within.

<Ah. You are awake.>

He heard him without sound.

"Yo ...?" Fresh greets.

The thing in the darkness paused.

<'Yo ...?'> The being seemed surprised at the word, before shaking it off. <... never mind. It is of no consequence how you speak as long as you do your job.>

"Okay ...?" Fresh had questions. "Care ta explain what's goin' on, homeslice? What job? And what's with the wacky blackness and unrad amnesia?"

<I shall do my best to explain. You are in the Void, the realm of nonexistence, where the Walls of Reality are at their thinnest - it is here that you were created for your purpose.>

"Created? By who?"

<An introduction is in order. I am your creator and overseer of this realm. You are admittedly my first attempt at creating life. Sure I have ... influenced some. But never before have I truly created ...> He mumbled the last bit and Fresh could barely make it out. <Perhaps I should have asked Destiny for pointers after all ...?>

"I'm totally buggin' with all the questions I have." Fresh said near monotone at the veiled insult.

<Apologies. I shall explain your purpose in this multiverse.>

The being seemed to move and multiple windows opened, showing scenes from across the multiverse. A lot of them showed skeletons.

<The multiverse is dependent on balance. Between Creation and Destruction; Positivity and Negativity; And Life and Death. These roles have been filled. However...>

The screens shift to the fallen humans on genocide runs and to worlds that were being attacked by coded beings.

<Players and Hackers have the ability to upset any one of these balances. If the scale tips too far into one direction then the multiverse will collapse in upon itself, becoming nothing more than Void itself. Up until now there has not been one designated with the official task of keeping them in check ... that is where you come in.>

He sighed before continuing, as if the next part upset him.

<The Destroyer can no longer attend to the task now that the balance has tipped too far in favor of Creativity.> He mumbled grumpily in a way that implied it wasn't for Fresh to hear. <... that cursed Fate is doing nothing about it and Destiny with her hands tied with her chosen.>

"So you want me to go out there and up and evict these Player and Hacker bros?"

Fresh looked uncertain at the killer humans and code amalgamates.

<Really it would depend on the circumstances.> The being admitted. <If it is within the design of the universe that they play a part, you are not to interfere with your power. If they go beyond their allotted presence, you are to admit a penalty. Beyond that, live as you choose.>

"What kind of penalties we talkin', dawg."

<Revoking Player access to the Fallen Human for varying spans of time, banning them out right from universes, destroying their vessels in the case of Hackers should they corrupt a world. That among your other responsibilities.>

"What are other responsibilities, bruh?"

<Simple stuff really. Cencering foal language in your presence, keeping things PG where applicable, preventing toxic situations from escalating->

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