Ch. 69 - Tries

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69 smiles to himself from the cover a house gives him as he waits and watches.

A thick blue binder at his side with color coordinated pages categorizing and listing the behavior and states of over a thousand Players, Hackers, Glitches, Viruses and those in between. The binder floats in front of him and opens to a blank page, a pen floating to fill in a new report as 69 adjusts his glasses.

This parasitic virus seemed to sustain itself by assimilating the parts of AU codes it enters, either in part, or in entirety. Its clothing and superficial appearance changes to blend into the AU as it does so, basing mostly on the native Sans. Its hollow sockets were disturbing even as it smiled peacefully.

It was picking flowers. Weaving them into two circlets. Suspicious.

69 focused on documenting his findings. He must prepare to brief Fresh on his findings.

For he will do as his master bid, oh yes. For he is a furby of his word - mostly. He will follow Fresh's orders with excellence. And he expects no less than an exceptional reward for upholding his duties as such. Perhaps more of that potent magic? A spare soul to devour? Or even a ... head pat?

69 shook his head. Nay, he would not stoop so low as to ask for a head pat. He was the terror of the multiverse and must conduct as such.

However he would not deny them should they be given.

And to that end they would need to bring his underlings under his control once more before they got too ambitious out of his sight. Lest he be saddled with the blame of not keeping his subordinates under control.

It was time to reactivate his hypnotic charm so that mere shells remained. He had given them enough hope.

It was time to crush it again.

He chuckled lowly.

It would never get old, eating their memories away. And such a wide array of flavors to choose from!

With a devilish smile his binder snapped shut and his items were returned to his inventory. He had some troublesome furbies to hunt down. One by one they would fall under his full control once more, powerless to stop it; No matter who tries.

He has done it before.

Turning to exit the doomed AU, 69 blinks at a pair of boots. A sudden light weight being deposited on his head had him looking up at the smiling virus.

"Hello!" It cheerfully greeted down too him, crouching. "I saw you watching and thought you would like a flower crown too."

Did this thing just have the audacity too-

"It looks really pretty on you!" It said like an excitable child. "You are very cute! Would you like to be friends? My name is Papercrane."


(A/N: I 'commissioned' myself to draw this XD

say hello to the bean (Papercrane character by Little-Noko on Deviant Art))

say hello to the bean (Papercrane character by Little-Noko on Deviant Art))

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... Perhaps this thing wasn't too bad. He could forgive the slight just this once-

"You are so soft!"

That was until it tried to pick him up to hug him without begging for the privilege.

There would be no forgiving this. Only death. A new toy to torment for eternity; if such a virus even has a soul to torment.

69 bites the false Sans, intent on draining its power away into dust.

However, that is not what happened. Instead any magic siphoned was quickly replaced by the decaying world, speeding it's demise. No matter how hard he tries. Unless the AU were to be fully assimilated it seemed impossible to bleed this skeleton dry of its magic reserves. And even then this creature had 100's of AU's worth of energies running throughout its being.

In fact ... 69 could eat no more.

And in finding someone new who could handle his hunger ... his previous pact broke. Fresh was no longer his master.

69's actions brought out a startled yelp from this Papercrane as he was flung away from his hand. The only reason his grip was lax enough to be thrown was the realization of what this could mean.

Infinite f o o d.

The creature before him had the ability to restore what energy was taken via AU assimilation. And at a much faster rate than it normally took 69 to devour a world, as the virus already turns it into pure energy. If 69 could somehow find a way to get it to link with multiple AU's at once before devouring them through it then, perhaps, he would for once be satiated. For a while.

And unlike his previous master, the magic energy didn't come from a soul. It would not create a bond and so the Virus would hold no power over him.

It was too perfect.

69 was free.

He would not make the same mistake as his last multiverse take over - he would bide his time and power up from the shadows.


"Bad floof. Got it." Papercrane took a step back, holding the bit hand close. A jagged star-like portal flicked into existence behind the being.

The food was leaving.

Now that wouldn't do. Not with this negative impression.

He would need all the power he can get.

69 put on his cute teary face. He settled for a speech pattern between babble and understandable, using a higher pitch than his preferred baritone.

"Was scawred. I's sawries." His mechanical screens for eyes depicted a teary gaze. "Don' go ... m' so 'lone."

Papercrane repeated a single word as the portal shut him away from the now empty void. "... alone?"

They met gazes and 69 gently influenced its mind to find himself more favorable, more sympathetic. Not overly, lest it catch on.

It was then that 69 knew he had won. For they would meet again. And slowly he would gain a new puppet. And from that puppet, power.

But that could wait. First, he had some memories to devour.

He had an army to rebuild.


Meanwhile, the whispers of revolution in the furbies was already spreading. And at their head was furby #2: Chris. For he alone had managed to find a way to keep just enough memory from last time to know what was coming.

May the multiverse survive such conflict.


(A/N: But of course ch. 69 had to be about 69 XD

Anyway, to the furbies ... who's ready for a revolution? Cuz i don't wanna let this fuzz ball walk all over our Multiverse. What say you? Give me your best battle cry!!!

(hope i still have my notes on the furby abilities for the fight-))

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