Ch. 30 - The Contractual Anime Training Arch Any OP Protagonist Needs: Part 1

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"Dude!" Snasy exclaimed.

"Yes, broski?" Fresh said, playing dumb.

"Dude! " Snasy said again. "What the absolute funk!?" They smacked him on the shoulder (he let it land this time). "What happened to don't kill the bot?"

Spiffy just looked disappointed.

"We didn't even get a chance to help."

They were outside the shop once more. It looked like just after they had made their purchases, luckily enough.

Fresh let out a huff of air looking at his feet and kicking up snow, acting chastised.

"Well, homeslice." Fresh said, twiddling his fingers hoping for some sympathy. "I didn't think being in an Encounter would make such a radical difference regarding intent bein' factored in. I was only a bit annoyed at the unrad hacker for the situation that Frisk be going through. This chill dawg just happened to forget how stupidly OP he be even in base states, man. Prolly should try for a less buffed weapon this time ... maybe go in unarmed even, bro."

Snasy was giving Fresh a seriously admonishing expression, hands on their hips. After a moment however they groaned and dragged a hand down their face in defeat.

"God you really are a child aren't you."

"Absolutely!" Fresh said, beaming and giving finger guns.

"... that wasn't a compliment."

"Don't have to be, yo!" Fresh said, twirling, arms spread. "Tis the facts, man." Turning back to them he shrugged. "Not like y'all act much different. So, round two?"

Spiffy sighed. "Not much else to do by try, try again."

"Okie dokie!" Fresh said, readying a teleport. "Here we go bros!"

They returned to the gate thing. Someone was waiting.

"heya." Before them stood Sans Undertale. He gave the three a once over, eye sockets narrowing with suspicion briefly when landing on Snasy.

"Sup broski!" Fresh greeted, not at all surprised.

They had a couple minutes before the bot made it out of Ruins, being as it had to fight Toriel again.

"forgive me if this comes off a little presumptuous." He winked his left socket. "but you folk don't seem to be from around here. names sans."

"I'm Fresh, and these peeps be Snasy and Spiffy!" Fresh said, shaking Sans's hand, the sound of flatulence hitting the air at the action. The three gave amused reactions.

"hehehe. old whoopie cushion in the hand trick. always funny." He nodded politely, gaze once again lingering on Snasy, before back to Fresh. "so what ya doin' here if i might ask? unless you're just chilling ."

Snasy snorted at the pun and Spiffy rolled their eyes. Fresh smiled.

"Why, ya rad boi Fresh here heard y'all be in an unrad merciless time loop and thought he'd lend a helpin' hand, broseph!"

Sans looked like he could barely hope to believe the words coming out of Fresh's face.

"... what's the catch." Sans asked.

"No cat-" Spiffy began to say before Fresh cut them off with a smirk and a raised hand.

"Catch is we wanna mess with 'em a bit for some training before we stop 'em." Fresh explained. "And even then, dawg, it might take a few more Resets before we can up an' evict the one possessing your here Frisky-bro."

Sans hmmed, looking at Snasy again. "kiddo did mention some demon off script at times."

"Hey, I'm not-" Snasy started offended.

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