Ch. 46 - Deals With Demons

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Apparently 69 was a multi-multiversal traveling parasitic demon.

Who knew?

Well it was too late now to stop the contract. Fresh was informed that the second feeding finalized it all. And now 69 would forever leech of his magic stores. And in return, 69 would be forced to follow his orders.

As for the free will Fresh's other furbies had gained, 69 said that they were merged with the condemned souls of the guilty and 69 was their tormentor and warden. As long as Fresh's contract remained unbroken, Fresh could have access to 69's legion of condemned furbies.

Weird flex, but okay. Guess Fresh now had the start of an army of possessed furbies. An army of 7, but an army nonetheless.

Fresh laid down some ground rules for the demon furby.

They were rather simple but Fresh hopefully worded everything well enough. The main things were that furbies were to act as his spies across the multiverse and to avoid directly revealing their scentiance unless a situation called for it. (A/N: it used to be a list but i made it more vague during editing for easier plot maneuvering)

"It shall be done." 69 agreed to the terms, looking over the other furbies that did not meet their gaze.

Peeking at 69's D&D notes and seeing several Tarrasques, dragons and mind flayers was enough to understand what type of person 69 was. This wasn't as friendly a game as Fresh had initially thought it was. The pile of face down character sheets attesting to the state of the game.

This was psychological warfare.

"And another thing, broski." Fresh added, trying to ease the furbies from being run ragged. "Give the furbies reasonable breaks from my request of surveillance, yo."

Fresh worried 69 would work them to the core with some kind of loophole.

69 smirked, somehow. "Very well. Reasonable breaks from your request. I will gladly give it."

69 looked at the other furbies with red tinting eye screens, quickly schooling his expression to something more civil.

Seeing how some of the other furbies looked a little scared at that wording, Fresh doubts how restful those breaks will be.

So far Fresh had only made a few furbies of varying designs. It seemed furby 69 had given them name tags with numbers starting from 1 to 7, fully claiming them into his 'army' or whatever since Fresh was gone.

"Yo, 69 bro." Fresh asked. "Mind if I name these fellas? Numbers be up and functional, but it doesn't give much personality, yo."

"You may." 69 inclined his head ... well, leaned forward. "Though I would be grateful to remain by the moniker 69 myself."

"Alrighty!" Fresh looked over the group of furbies and started naming them in order of their numbers, pointing as he went.

To the brown furby with yellow flower pattern. "Tea." (for +;'TTP!Fresh';+). To the orange one with a red stomach and neck as if it were a scarf. "Chris." (for Tomopher).To the still gray one with white spots that looked glitchy. "Link." (for Inactive_Link). To the black one with white eyebrows and stomach. "Shiko." (for shibuyaneko). To the navy blue one with white and yellow speckles, some like flowers. "Galaxtea." (for GalaxyTea). To the white one with blue speckles and navy blue crescent around an eye. "Luna." (for Lunarian). To the purple one with yellow and red/orange patches. "Bill." (for Cytheree/Bill).

(A/N: more can join the furby army - if you aren't here and want to be, feel free to visit the discord 'The Fictional Lifestyle' (or ask for the link) or if I missed you, just say)

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