Ch. 47 - That Raincheck

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Fresh had left his Void Home. And the furbies were left alone.

The effects of Fresh's means of travel wore off and the furbies looked at each other ... and smiled.


Meanwhile ...

Fresh had Poofed directly into the meeting. Like. Right in the middle. He was surrounded by skeletons.

The ones from the mislabeled Mafiafell that is.

He'd fix the name when he left. For now, Fresh had decided to check in on the AU's he's already been to. And being as he did say he would come back to explain, Mafia"tale" was his first stop.

His entrance was ... rather flashy. But that was just Fresh.

Of course just entering a mafia meeting with no announcement is going to make the bosses a little tense. When the cloud dissipated Fresh was met with the barrels of multiple guns pointed at him. Not that he was very phased.

Three of the four in the room recognized him. Sadly their friendship did not extend deep enough for them to just lower their weapons at his impromptu trespassing upon immediate identification. Boo.

Oh well. Onto business.

Hand held up a hand in a small wave, smirk firmly in place. Fresh's voice had an amused tint to it.

"Aw buddy, chum, pal, broski." Fresh tilted his skull. "Don't cha recognize me, yo?"

"this is that fresh we was talkin' 'bout, don." Sans said, not taking his eyes off the intruder.

Don referred to Gaster. As Gaster was the head of their little mafia family and their true boss and Don was the title given to the one in that position. The boss's boss. The house head.

Don W.D Gaster. Oldest brother of the Gaster Mafia Family.

Fresh saw Gaster give his outfit (back to eye piercing neon and no stripes) a look of distaste.

"Fresh ..." Gaster said as if rolling the name around on his mouth and sampling it like expensive wine. "And how did you get in here ... Fresh?" His tone was slow, low and dangerous even as he gestured for the others to lower their weapons.

Though Gaster kept his own gun securely in his hand it was no longer pointed at Fresh as Gaster leaned eagerly forward for information, expression unreadable. Yet his cold red eye lights promised pain if Fresh wasn't to be forthcoming.

He may be in charge, but he wasn't against getting his hands dirty.

Fresh shrugged, turning to face Gaster fully. "Magic, ta put it simply, yo." Fresh jerked a thumb over his shoulder to indicate Sans. "Like your fellas shortcut, but not so limited by places I have been, if ya catch my drift."

Gasters' eye lights flashed brighter, no doubt now thinking of the value that would give their Family if Fresh were to side with them. Or of how dangerous it would be to have him against them.

"And to what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?" Gaster asked, tone changing from something less threatening to a more measured tone.

Fresh hopped up to sit on Gaster's desk casually. They all had stony trained pockerfaces, but the move clearly would have caught them off guard.

"Answers, Don Gaster dude." Fresh answered.

"HAVE YOU NO RESPECT? GET OFF-" Papyrus said at Fresh's audacity at his chosen seat.

Gaster cut him off simply by raising a hand. The one without the gun.

"Answers to what?" Gaster asked, curiosity peaked.

"Got a confession ta make, dawg." Fresh gave him a grave expression. "I lied about the voodoo."

"then how da ya explain that informant coming back to life?" Sans asked scowling.

Fresh hummed trying to think of a way they might understand.

How new could multiverse theory be anyway?

"What y'all know about alternate realities, yo?" Fresh started. "Multiverse theory, if ya will."

They gave him very confused or unamused expressions.

Gaster remained silent, waiting for Fresh to move on while the others answered at the same time in a garbled bunch of noise Fresh still understood.

"that theory from william james?" Sans scoffed.

"'Alice In Wonderland'...?" Frisk said, curious.

"LIKE HEAVEN OR HELL?" Papyrus asked bone brows raising.

Fresh pointed to Sans. "Different multiverse theory." A point to Frisk. "That's about a child trippin' on drugs." A point to Papyrus before pausing. "Close enough. But instead of an afterlife, think of it like other Earths, all slightly different and far more than just two, dude."

"And what does this have to do with anything?" Gaster asked, head tilting as he was impatient.

Fresh snapped his fingers. "Right! Well normally these other realities - these other Earths - are inaccessible to most." Fresh smirked smugly. "But me and some o' my pals and me can just take a step-" He hopped off the desk, /teleporting a few feet without the effects. "-and be there, yo."

The way Gaster's finger on the gun twitched at the sudden movement did not escape Fresh's notice.

"then what was with the human informant?" Sans asked, trying to hurry Fresh up.

"He ain't an informant at all. He works for me. Leat he do now." Fresh said, with a shrug and stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And he ain't human in the way you know 'em."


"It would do you well to get to the point." Gaster subtly hinting at a threat under a board exterior.

"Alrighty then." Fresh raised his hands placatingly. Not that he was intimidated. "He's a Hacker turned Moderator. Both titles given ta beings with the ability to edit realities given enough time and skills. They don't die in the traditional sense." At least their Avatars don't. But that might be a bit much for them to comprehend.

Sans scoffed. "And you expect us to believe you just happen to have one of these supposedly all powerful beings under your thumb?"

"Seven." Fresh corrected, narrowing his eyebrows. "And they ain't be all powerful." Fresh pretended to check nails he didn't have. "Else I wouldn't be able to be a threat to 'em."

"bullshiz." Sans said before confusion took over his expression before glaring at Fresh. "what the funk did you do?"

Fresh shrugged with a smirk replying in an almost bored tone. "Such uncouth language, yo. Can't be having that in muh presence. Way uncool, broski."

Frisk was quietly attempting to mutter every curse word she knew. It seemed like it would take a while.

Sweat drops appeared on the skeletons.

Now that they had an inkling of what they were dealing with (UNLIMITED POWER!!), Fresh could continue with the actual explanation to his presence.

"So anyway." Fresh continued as if chatting about everyday normal things. "That Zane guy was also a Hacker. He all be breaking the Rules of Reality and so that's when I step in, yo." Fresh shrugged. "I set him straight." Fresh thought back to how Zane had asked if the skeleton house was still single. "Well, at the very least he ain't gonna be pulling no more mischief. Just came by to let y'all know he's been banned from this universe for one year. If ya see him again after that, don' worry about it."

That being the only thing he actually came to tell them, with a shrug he exclaimed. "Later!" Before Fresh Poofing to his next destination.

The Gaster Family was left in silence. Save for Frisk finally getting real swear words in.

Papyrus spoke first, bafflement clear in his voice.


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