Ch. 66 - Gaster Has Coffee

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Gaster had finally returned to do his work in monitoring the multiverse after he had a ... detour. Several, in fact. But he still trusted the others to manage without him, even with his unforeseen extended leave.

Gaster was well aware he, specifically, was not needed for things to function. After all, Time had managed fine without him for the first bouts of temporal tampering across dozens of AU's. It didn't take a genius to figure out the Deities gave him the duty to lessen their own responsibilities - whether from necessity, or to give themselves more freetime, Gaster was unsure. All he knew was that it was likely Void's idea as he was the one to approach him. Time will still poke FUN around from time to time and pick up anywhere Gaster or his alternates leave off should they take an extended break.

However, there was an aspect Gaster added to his job that Time didn't do. See, access to FUN gave Gaster the ability to place players accordingly. And while his authority did not allow him to ban those that posed a threat, he could at least relocate them to the newer universes during a FUN shift where the AU was most likely to corrupt and delete. Functionally banning them. At least until they reinstate their connection elsewhere. Essentially an unforgiving game of wack-a-mole.

It was also important to move around Speedruners and Modders constantly so as to not corrupt a specific AU copy. Not that Mods are perceived to a local AU inhabitant. Though ... sometimes things go unnoticed and a new Dusttale or variant crops up due to the tampering.

Luckily, he was not alone. His fellow Gasters from Underswap, Underfell and Outertale were invaluable. Each joining the group as the multiverse expanded and required more hands on the situation.

But regardless of his fellow Club FUN members capability, he had left them far longer than he had meant to. He hoped Fell hadn't attempted to torment Swap too much in his absence.

His solidifying foot touched down on 'solid' ground and Gaster sighed in relief, having made it back to the safer part of the True Void. Even if he would not be deleted, there were other things that could pose a problem. A quick glance assured him that his spoils from his trip to Admin Fresh's House were still secure in conjured hands, his magic enough to combat the True Void from consuming the to-go cups. The aroma of coffee was strong in the area with little else in existence.

He scant had a moment to revel in his returned stability before he was tackle-hugged by his more colorful Underswap self, knocking them both to the ground and sliding some distance.

The coffee, thank the stars and sky, was safe.

"You liiiiive!" Swap cried in joy.

Gaster pushed Swap up by his shoulders, revealing his mismatched wobbly orange and blue eye lights. He was clearly teary socketed and had been worried.

"Yes yes. I live." Gaster smiled mischievously, knowing he had just the thing to cheer Swap up. "And I bring coffee."

The statement garnered a gasp from his three alternates. Fell was the first to snatch a lidded styrofoam cup. Two in fact, and was already downing one to half capacity. Swap not far behind scrambling to get up.

"Sweet stars, it's been too long." Fell murmured.

"A 'thank you' would be appreciated." Gaster rolled his eye lights, a hand construct carrying a cup to both Swap and Nebula.

The other two Gaters, Nebula and Fell had watched the entire exchange. One more openly relieved at his return then the other.

After Swap got a sip of his own (Gaster having given him decaf, not that he would tell), Swap explained his level of worry. "Fell said the Void Beast must have attacked you and I've been worried ever since - you're hurt!?" His eyelights focused on a scuffed spot of bone on his jaw.

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