Chapter 2 - I Don't Care

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Recap(Kaminari's POV): 

"W-what wrong?" I said my voice wavering. He didn't answer he just turned his eyes away

"Toshi please!" I begged "Tell me what's wrong!"

Toshi had tears streaming down his face.

"Toshi...?" I asked gently. He took a deep breath and held my hand to his chest.

"Please don't hate me..." he said his voice cracking

"Toshi... I could never hate you" I said coming closer. He was right in front of my face.

He took another shaky breath and said three words that tore me to shreds.


Hitoshi's POV

"I'm a villain" I said

He froze. He didn't have fear in his eyes he had shock, hurt, betrayal. The last one hurt me.

Finally he started to move. He didn't move away though. He fisted my shirt in his hand and pulled me on top of him.  

I was frozen. I just caught myself on the bed. If anyone was watching they would have thought that we were about to make out. To be honest. That's exactly what I wanted to do with him right now.

His face was red and I was pretty sure that mine was as well. 

"Toshi... I don't... " He paused before continuing "I don't care Toshi, You're still my hero" He said, I was shocked why? I didn't get an answer he continued on "No matter what."

I just tilted my head taking everything in. Then my raging hormones finally took over and I started to attack his neck. I couldn't help it. It's been three years since I tasted him, I wanted- no I needed him. 

I could hear his breathing turn very shaky 

"T-toshi~" Denki half moaned and half sighed. 

I was about to go further but then I heard the door open. I got off Denki and the bed. Denki sat up on the bed. His face was very red and I could see the hickeys starting to form. I smirked when I saw them. 

I looked over and saw Eraserhead moving towers the table and he sat in the chair. He was assessing Denki the whole time he moved, probably making sure that I didn't hurt him. 

There was silence for a minute then, Denki said "Good morning?" 

I laughed. I had to. Denki's face flushed red again and Eraserhead sighed. 

"Kaminari..." He said

I stopped laughing, he probably wanted Denki to go. I didn't want him to. But maybe he should. After all I got to have Denki for the night, he has class anyway. 

"You're going to stay. I have questions for both of you." he continued. That shocked me, I looked over at him and our eyes connected. He was suprised as well. 

"Uhh... Ok" He said. A minute passed and Eraserhead was still sitting there not speaking, just waiting. 

"Tch. Ok what do you want?" I finally said. I couldn't handle the tension going on in here and I was irritated because I was just about to do some "things" with my little Kitten.

Eraserhead sighed and said "I do hope you know that there are camera's in here" I froze. It wasn't that I wanted to escape, it's just that privacy was going to be an issue.

I narrowed my eyes and said "Not in the bathroom I hope" I heard Denki choke. I turned to him and he looked at me with such a scared face 

"IN THE BATHROOM!?" he yelled with a high pitched voice. I cringed from the volume and pitch. I looked at Eraserhead and saw that he looked really pissed. 

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