Chapter 6 - Heartbroken

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Recap(Hitoshi's POV):

Then the whole class (Minus Bakugou and Kirishima) erupted into cheers. I looked over to Bakugou and he was looking at me suspiciously. I only game him a cold stare but he didn't budge.

Then he looked over at Denki and yelled so that he would be over the noise "Oi! Dunce Face! Is Eyebags your boyfriend?" he yelled bluntly. Everyone looked at me and back to him, his face was so red right now that it was pretty obvious that Bakugou was right.

I just raised and eyebrow and walked over toward Denki. "Is that right Kitten~?" I whispered into his ear. His face turned so red that if he went any redder he would be permanently red.

"Oh Em GEE!!!!" The pink alien squealed "It's going to be a Welcome AND a Coming out party!"

Denki just put his face in his hands. "Mina please don't" He mumbled. The pink alien who is now Mina ignored him and said "I've got litterally the perfect outfit for you." She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the classroom.


Kirishima's POV:

I knew that Denki was Bi. But I didn't know that he had a boyfriend. He never told us. I loved Denki. I liked Bakubro once but then he took Midobro. It was a pretty hard hit for me once they came out to us.

I tried to let it go but it wasn't until a month after their relationship went public that the hurt went away a bit. I'm pretty sure that I'm still not ok with their relationship.

I had moved onto Denki, who had comforted me and had always been by my side since.

Now watching and hearing that Denki was already taken as well? It... it was too much for me.

"I-" I cleared my throat "I'm going to the bathroom" I said clearer to no one in particular and left the room. I didn't go to the bathroom, I was going to my dorm.

No one was out in the halls so I ran up the fire stairs. The stairs were faster and went all the way to the top of the building.

I made it to floor 5 and opened the door. My dorm was in front of the fire exit so I used the stairs all the time. It was pretty normal to go up and down them now.

I only used the elevator when I go to the common room or if I was with the Bakusquad (and friends)

I opened my door, closed and locked it. Then collapsed onto the bed and started to cry.


Hitoshi's POV:

I saw the way that Kirishima looked after Denki confirmed our dating. He looked like he'd been slapped in the face.

He said that he was going to the bathroom but I knew that he wouldn't. He was hurt by Denki and I.

He was likely going to cry somewhere private. But I ignored him and focused on the rest of the class.

The pink girl who they called Mina left with Denki and the rest of the class was full of cheers and happiness.

A person with blue hair and glasses came up to me and held out his hand. "My name is Iida Tenya. I'm the class president"

I noticed that he moved like a robot with his arms in a perfect line. I was tempted to ask if he was mental but decided against it. "Aizawa Hitoshi" I said carefully, shaking his hand. Calling myself Aizawa is really weird now but eh. I'll get used to it. 

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