Chapter 9 - Kiss and Make up

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Recap (Third Person POV):

When Kaminari finished he could hear a few in the class whispering hurtful things. He'd always ignored them and that's what he continued to do.

Present Mic just called on the next person and had them read as well. The class went on similarly to normal classes. Though Present Mic had noticed that his little listener was in a bad mood.

So when class was over Present Mic put a hand on his shoulder and said "Come here during break please little listener. I need to talk to you."

All Kaminari said was "Sure"


Hitoshi wasn't fairing any better than Kaminari was. He was clearly sulking. Mina had come up to him at least 3 times already asking if something happened to him or Kaminari. Everytime he said that they were both fine but it was clear that she didn't believe him. 

It even caught the attention of his new dad. "Hitoshi I need to talk to you after class." Hitoshi just gave him the stink eye before returning to sulking. 

Hitoshi was just going through every second of last night to find out what he did to have Kaminari give him a slight cold shoulder. He honestly thought that they had made up last night!

Hitoshi was so confused. He knew that sulking over things wouldn't help with anything but it felt good. 

Kaminari himself didn't really know why he was giving Hitoshi the cold shoulder, he just for some reason did. Kaminari was quietly sulking as well, with little plans formulating in his head. 


"Time for lunch." Kaminari thought. Kaminari had a good idea on how to apologise during lunch. Then he remembered what Mic-Sensei had wanted. 

"Shoot." Kaminari thought "Whatever I'll skip."

He finished packing up and left the classroom, going into the cafeteria he looked around for his purple headed boyfriend.  

Unfortunately he didn't find him. Kaminari went into the cafeteria line to grab lunch so if anyone saw him they would think that he was hungry. 

Luckily for him because Present Mic went into the cafeteria when Kaminari was getting his food. Once Kaminari got his food, Present Mic gave him quite the start. 

"Little listener I understand that you can be hungry but I would like you to tell me first before going to get food!" Present Mic said as he reached to grab some food as well. 

"Come on little listener." He continued bringing Kaminari along to the classroom. Kaminari was very confused as his teacher brought him to his homeroom and not the English room. 

As Present Mic opened the door, Aizawa-sensei didn't even bother to look up before he said "Glad you two could join us."

Hitoshi had looked up and seen his little blonde boyfriend standing with the long blonde haired English teacher. Kaminari still had a tray of food in his hands and was standing in the doorway like the little idiot he was. 

As Present Mic was going in, Kaminari was still staring at Hitoshi as if he was a long lost sibling. Present Mic actually had to wrap his hand around Kaminari's wrist to get him to go through the door. 

Kaminari started walking on his own as he stepped over the door. He walked up to Hitoshi and sat in the chair next to him, placing the food on the table. Kaminari grabbed the apple on the tray and held it out to Hitoshi. 

"You hungry?"

Hitoshi gave a small laugh and took the apple from Kaminari's hand. "Thank you baby." Kaminari smiled his mega watt smile. Kaminari grabbed at his hamburger and started to eat. 

"So why are we here." he said with a mouthful of food.

Aizawa-sensei sighed and said "Kaminari don't talk with your mouth ful-"

"But it's not full! I could fit the whole burger inside if I tried!" Kaminari interrupted having more food in his mouth. 

"YEEEEEESSSSS!!! SEE I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!" Present Mic screamed out at Aizawa-sensei. Both Aizawa and Hitoshi covered their ears but Kaminari didn't even seem to hear him, he was fixated on eating his burger. 

"Mic if you don't shut up I'm going to erase your quirk." Aizawa-sensei said threateningly. That made Mic go rather quiet.

"Now the reason you two are here is because something happened with you two and a boy named Casper. At the mall you both went to yesterday."

Both teachers hoped that they got it wrong but as Kaminari stoped chewing on his burger and Hitoshi reached a hand out to comfort the boy, they knew that they got something right. 

Hitoshi had reached his arm out to calm Kaminari. Kaminari was shaking, the teachers observed this until they had to say something. "What happened yesterday?" Present Mic asked. 

Hitoshi looked at Kaminari for permission to say what happened. Even though Hitoshi was apart of it to they both knew that the teachers wanted the full story and since most of the story was Kaminari's to share Hitoshi wanted permission to share the whole story.

Kaminari looked at Hitoshi before nodding and returning to finish his burger. So Hitoshi told the whole story as Kaminari was clearly trying to tune everything out by distracting himself with the food and anything within reach. Even distracting Hitoshi at times since he was also in reach. 

Both teachers noticed Kaminari distracting himself and while they both noticed they needed to focus on the story. But eventually Present Mic took Kaminari out of the room leaving Hitoshi and Aizawa in the room. Hitoshi continued to tell the story up until the end. 

Aizawa believed Hitoshi quite a bit. which shocked him because he was not someone who trusted others very easily. Aizawa was definitely going to have a long night. 

Aizawa excused Hitoshi for lunch, so that he could eat something, since he still hadn't had the apple that was still in his hand. 

The rest of the day seemed to drag on for Kaminari and Hitoshi. Lately they've been a mirror image of each other. But once the day ended they both went back into their dorm. 


Kaminari's POV:

I went to the desk going to finish homework when I stoped and asked "Toshi will you help me with the homework?"

I looked over to him and he looked a little surprised but said "Sure"

We moved our desks together and started on the homework. My biggest problem was math and his biggest problem was english. I was helping him with the english and he was helping me with math. 

Once we were done I gave him a quick kiss and packed up the homework for tomorrow. I heard papers rustling indicating that he was also packing up. 

I turned back to him to see that he was putting the last of the papers away. I walked towards him and once he turned around to me I gave him another kiss. This one lasted longer. Surprisingly I didn't pull away first. 

Toshi put his forehead against mine and said "So, we're good now?" I laughed and gave him another kiss in return. 

"Yes Toshi, we're good now"

Happy Birthday to me!! I hope you guys enjoyed this part!

Word Count: 1191

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