Chapter 7 - The Mall

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Recap Hitoshi's POV:

Class was over and we went into the locker rooms to change. Since school was over now we could do anything. Denki grabbed my arm and pulled me into the common room where Mina, Bakugou, Sero were.

Bakugou was glaring at me but luckily for me he didn't attack. "So where are we going?" Denki asked.

Mina had a mischevious look on her face. "Well~" she said stretching out the L. "How bout the mall?" I was a little worried but Denki smiled and said "YEAH!" 


In this chapter there will be mentions that may be triggering. Please beware. There is mentions of abuse, there is physical violence, body shamming, name calling, (Lots of those like not wanted words like S--t and W--re) Sorry I didn't want to actually type them out. I will however type them out in the actual story itself. I will give a warning before and tell you when it's over. Please know that even though I say the trigger is over I've never actually been hurt or called such names, so I wouldn't know. I'm sorry if this chapter triggers you and you need to calm down. Read at your own risk. (Again apologies in advance. I hope you forgive me...)


Denki was practically dragging me into every store he found interesting. They were all fine until Mina wanted to go into Victoria. I felt out of place here. I mean there was lingerie every where and photos of girls wearing them. (Hitoshi's Gay not Bi or Pan. I just wanted to make that clear) 

Everyone seemed to know Mina and Denki. I mean one of the workers came up and hugged both of them, then pointed to a new set of lingerie that they had. Denki and Mina both really seemed to like it, unfortunately for me. 

Denki kept holding it up to himself asking for her opinion with the different colors! I felt like I was getting subconsciously teased. At least that's what I thought until Denki turned to me with a smirk on his face, holding up a new set of lingerie that was more see through than the others. He looked down at it then up at me. 

"You like it Toshi?" He asked innocently.  Mina was looking at my expression from the corner of her eyes as she kept tilting her head to get a better look. 

I wanted to lean against a wall and play it cool, but I don't want to be near any of those pictures. (sorry girls. Don't worry I'm female too! and Bi so I've probably insulted myself twice now... Oops.)

"Looks great Denki!" I say as normally as I can. Denki and Mina both giggle telling me that I clearly sounded off. "Ok Toshi!" He said cheerfully. 

I looked around for an exit and I saw a huge exit. I went to the edge and looked around for the others. I saw Sero with Bakugou at the pretzel place. I also noticed that the wall I was at wasn't covered or surrounded by pictures! I leaned myself against the wall and looked for Denki from where I was. 

I saw his bright yellow head at the cashier. Most everything in the store was pink but I saw some yellow horns near Denki so I think Mina is with him. 

I waited a bit longer, soon Denki had a pink bag in the hand farthest from me. He grabbed my hand, pulled me into the food court and sat down at a table. 

Soon Bakugou and Sero came over with an arm load of food each. Denki squealed happily when the food was put down on the table. He quickly grabbed some meji packets and a bento box. 

I just took a bento box from the table and opened it. Mina came and sat down next to Denki grabbing a bento box and a packet of pockey. Sero and Bakugou just got a bento box and sat next to me. 

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