Chapter 10 - The Moment

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Recap(Denki's POV): 

Toshi put his forehead against mine and said "So, we're good now?" I laughed and gave him another kiss in return.

"Yes Toshi, we're good now"


Hitoshi's POV: 

UA was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Even though I had my ass handed to me by Midoriya during the sports festival, I had Denki my wonderful loving boyfriend. I found some new friends in Denki's friend group or the "Bakusquad"

They're nice friends but very very loud. I didn't mind, I was perfectly happy where I was. Bakugou was a struggle but I don't know a single person that didn't think he was a struggle. Even Midoriya had to admit it every once in a while. 

The days blended into weeks and the weeks blended into months. Soon the class was nearing the end of the school year. I was laying on my bed in the dorm by myself, Denki had gone out with Mina and I knew that he'd be back soon. 

A whole year. I'd been at UA for almost a whole year and I didn't totally hate it. I felt greatly at peace here with everyone. Maybe it was the affection and seeing Denki again but I don't know. 

The occasional villain attacks at UA always worried me. Not only for Denki but I worried that one of the villains realized who I was and spill my secret and then everyone would turn on me as well. I knew that my secret would be out of the box soon. I was here for a whole year and the promise was that the students would know that I used to be a villain. 

I was worried everyone seemed nice and all but what did I know? I could only hope that everyone would accept me. I had overheard some kids in school already call me a villain because of my quirk.

Even though it wasn't entirely new considering that people had done that to me before. I had still been upset since I thought that I made progress with the school already. Denki and the Bakusquad had been very quick to shut down my depressive thoughts and the whispers that the students had been spreading. 

The thought of what they had done for me then brought a smile to my face, they used to be rare but since coming to UA they've been a little more frequent. 

"Toshi!" Denki's cheerful voice broke my train of thought, I sat up as Denki opened the door and came into the room followed by Bakugou, Kirishima, Sero, and Mina. I was fine with Kirishima now but we still had our problems. 

Kirishima had actually come to me personally and told him his feelings about Denki. At first I was very upset but he slowly explained that he didn't want to hurt Denki and if hurting me or ruining my relationship with Denki meant hurting him then he wasn't going to do that. 

I was very relived at the explanation but did wonder why he told me that. I asked and he had said that he wanted peace with me, even though he wasn't going to be fully ok with my relationship with Denki he didn't want to have bad blood with me. 

He and I weren't the closest of friends and did tend to avoid one another, we still tolerated each other when we were in the same room. Apparently he had come clean to Denki after our talk because Denki had told me how Kirishima had come to him and broken down crying saying how much he loved him. 

I had to bite the inside of my cheek the whole time but did appreciate that Denki had told me and that Kirishima came to me before Denki, otherwise I might have killed him. 


I looked over at my electric boyfriend "Hm?"

He sighed and climbed onto my lap. "I think you should tell them now" he said quietly, looking me in my eyes. 

I hesitated but nodded. It was time anyway. Better to rip off the bandaid. 

"What's such a Fucking secret that you two need to start whispering." Bakugou said, he really needs to watch his mouth. 

"I agree with Bakubro, what's going on?" Kirishima said. 

Sero was giving us a confused look and Mina looked like she was getting her daily tea. Oh she thought that he was having me give her more relationship details. 

I took a deep breath and Denki put his head on my chest. I could feel that he was a little tense but trying to be calm. 


(I was kinda a villain before the heroes caught me and then they gave me a chance to join the rehab so now here I am almost finishing the class with you guys.) 

I blinked after I finished. I had definitely not meant to say that so fast. Everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, I looked down at Denki and he had a confused look on his face as he tried to take apart my words. 

"Dude you need to slow down" Sero finally said getting over his shock. Mina nodded with him, seemed like she got the idea that it wasn't the tea she was hoping for. 

"I was a villain" I started, they started to get uneasy but they didn't outright attack me. I looked over at Bakugou and he had a frown on his face but waited for me to continue. "I was caught by the heroes, and they gave me an offer to join the rehab."

"You took the offer" Bakugou said carefully

I nodded "I did and now I'm finishing the school year with you guys" 

I watched their faces but they were all carefully neutral. I saw that with Denki sometimes, clearly it was a tool that UA taught in their first year. 

"It doesn't matter" Mina started "You're our friend and you clearly showed that you changed from when you were a villain." The others started nodding along. 

"Hell you're dating Kami! He'd only date you if you were worth it" She continued. 

He flushed pink at her words, not nearly as pink as Mina but pretty close. Things went quickly normal from there, everyone teasing and being loud. Bakugou was a little cautious around me but it at least he wasn't acting like I was a ticking time bomb. 

Kirishima was trying to act carefully around me but as the hours passed by he realized that I wasn't going to do anything. 

The next step was telling the class. I suppose I didn't have to be as worried because I've got friends who cared about who I was now and not who I was then. 

The future was misty but right here and right now with all my friends laughing, and my boyfriend giving me little kisses every once in a while, the moment was very very clear. 

The End, 

Sorry that it was a bit of a weird ending but you guys can imagine what the class's reaction was and what happened after. I just wanted to focus on the Bakusquad and Hitoshi. I realize now that Denki wasn't doing much but I think that he added real good flavor to this story. I hope you all enjoyed it and I'm sorry to say but this story has ended. I might make epilogues but I'm not sure at the moment. I wanted to get the story done so that you guys didn't have to wait any more. I'm actually really happy with the way that this story turned out and I was super happy that I didn't make Kiri the villain of this story. I was going to make the story continue but then I was like "You know what? I have no ideas so lets wrap this story up!" Anyway I really do hope you guys enjoyed this story thank you for all the views and a huge thanks to my followers!

Love you guys Bye!

Word Count: 1158

Date: 10/16/20

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