Chapter 4 - Smut

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We all know what this chapter is going to be about. Please skip if you are not comfortable with it.

Go to the next chapter if any of this makes you feel uncomfortable. I will write chapter 5 and post them at the same time so that you guys can still read and skip this chapter.

Recap(Hitoshi's POV):

"Kitten?" I purred "What's wrong?" I saw his eyes glitter a bit with excitement. But it was quickly covered up. He fiddled with the tag

He narrowed his eyes in excitement. There was a smile on his face. "Stay here?" He asked looking at me.

I had a good feeling what he was going to do but I was going to wait for the surprise to happen. So I nodded.


Kaminari's POV:

It wasn't every day that your best friend comes back and then asks to fuck you. Ok he didn't really ask. But he implied it.

I smiled at Toshi before leaving the room. I closed the door behind me. I was taking a few breaths because I was way too hyper for this.

"KAMI!" Someone yelled down the hall. I looked over to see who it was and it was Mina.

She ran and slammed straight into me. "Kami are you hurt?" She asked checking me for injuries.

I groaned "Yes Mina I'm very hurt."

She looked so worried but before she could say something I continued "You just body slammed me into the floor!"

She got off of me quickly and helped me up. "Why did you run into the questioning room?" She asked.

A lie or not a lie. I choose partial lie "He's my boyfriend. And my uncle died a few weeks ago. They had to check everyone close to us so they could say these people didn't do it." It wasn't a total lie.

Mina seemed to understand. She looked at my door and smirked. "So~" she started "Why are you out here?"

I flushed and she squealed "Oh. Em. Gee!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room.

When we got there she tossed me some clothes. Actually I'm not even sure you can call them clothes.

I mean they looked cute but the top was tight and the skirt was really short. It only covered the tops of my thighs.

Unfortunately I've learned not to question Mina so I put them on. Yes in front of her. We've done it multiple times before.

Once I finished she noticed the collar. "Oh my god!" She shouted and pointed to my collar "did he give that to you?" She asked with a wide smile

I blushed and nodded my head. She squealed some more. "Ok now go! You don't want to keep that boyfriend off your waiting." And she pushed me out of the room.

I was at my dorm door and I didn't know what to do. A small, very small part of me wanted to run away. But the bigger part of me wanted to open the door and knock his socks off.

I didn't do either because the door opened for me. I jumped back when the door opened.


Hitoshi's POV:

Denki was taking too long. I was by the door and I heard his friend Mina take him somewhere.

It took all my willpower not to go over there and drag him back. It's been 20 minutes since he left. I wasn't waiting any longer. I opened the door and there he was.

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