Chapter 8 - The Dream

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Recap (Hitoshi's POV):

I saw Denki in his bed, curled up in his blankets. He wasn't facing towards the wall so that tells me that he's not ignoring me, which is good. I didn't want to intrude on his peaceful sleeping but we normally slept together when something was bothering us.

So I walked over to him and climbed into his bed. Once I had my arms around him I noticed that he visibly relaxed and a small smile came onto his face. I couldn't help but have a small smile come onto my face.

I pulled him in closer and cuddled with him till I eventually fell asleep as well.


Denki's POV:

I wanted to wait for Toshi but sleep quickly claimed me, forcing me to lie down on the bed or fall onto the floor. Naturally I chose option one. Just before everything went black I felt a warm presence with me. My body reacted and moved closer to the heat source. I felt a weight around me, cocooning me. 

Then I fell into a black oblivion. 


When I re-opened my eyes there was Casper. I jumped back in surprise but for some reason he kept following me. He wouldn't stop. 

His eyes were full of lust and anger. I didn't want to be here. 

Someone get me out!

Please! Please... 

I kept running from Casper, in my rush to get away from him I wasn't looking at my surroundings. I tripped on a branch and fell into a chasm. 

I didn't scream for some reason. I just saw Casper watching me fall but not following me. All I could feel was the relief that he wasn't going to keep following me. Then I saw the bottom of the chasm. 

Right before I hit the jagged rocks I woke up with a jolt. I was breathing heavily. I felt something touch me. I flinched and the hand moved away. 

"Denki?" I took deep breaths and closed my eyes. But they soon flew open again. Casper was practically burned in my memory. 

"Denki?" Came the voice again. It was soft, calming. It was Toshi.

"S-sorry" I stuttered "Go b-back to sleep"

I heard a soft sigh before the bed shifted. Why was he with me? Wasn't earlier supposed to be the part where he hates me?

I felt arms envelope me. I relaxed into him,  still questioning why he was in my bed and not his.

"Kaminari Denki..." he started whispering into my ear. I tensed a bit knowing what would be happening next. Toshi rubbed his hands up and down my arms to soothe me.

"I love you."

I couldn't help but blink. What? Maybe I was just really sensitive or I watched too much Mean Girls but for some reason I wasn't registering the words he said.


He kissed my cheek from behind and said "I love you Kaminari Denki"

Someone kill me now. I'm dreaming. I'm totally dreaming. As much as we did love each other...

Nope. My head hurts from all this thinking too.

I was gently pulled onto my back and onto the bed.

Toshi was behind me, with his arms around me.

"I'll keep Casper away." He said. I was pretty tired. I feel like I should be asking him something right now but I'm too tired.

So I nodded and went back to sleep. No Casper this time.


Hitoshi's POV:

I've never been a heavy sleeper. I was actually awake when Denki started to mumble.

"No. Stop"

"Leave me alone" Denki cried out quietly.

"Casper leave..." Denki sobbed.

The it was oddly quiet. Even when Denki's sleeping. Then he suddenly jolted upright breathing really heavily.

I reached over and put a hand on his, but he flinched so I pulled my hand back. So I called out his name.

He took a few breaths but didn't answer me. So I called out to him again.

"S-sorry" he stuttered "Go b-back to sleep"

That was the last thing I was doing. I sat up and wrapped my arms around Denki.

"Kaminari Denki..." I started whispering into his ear. He tensed a bit as if he knew what would be happening next.

I rubbed my hands up and down his arms to soothe him.

"I love you."

He was very still all of a sudden. As if he didn't understand what I was saying.


I kissed his cheek from behind and said "I love you Kaminari Denki"

He was still again. But was perfectly relaxed in my arms. I knew that Denki actually needed sleep so I gently pulled onto him back and onto the bed.

With Denki in front of me and my arms around him I knew he would feel safe.

"I'll keep Casper away." I said. He must have been pretty tired because he didn't comment about Casper and just nodded and went back to sleep.

I snuggled in with him and knew that he wasn't having a nightmare. He was having peaceful dreams that he likely wouldn't remember in the morning.

Time Skip (it's first period not home period.)

Third person POV:

Kaminari was sitting in Present Mic's English class. Kaminari exceeded in the class and still did even when he wasn't really paying attention.

English was an easy subject for him.

Italics are people speaking in English unless I say otherwise.

"Kaminari!" Present Mic yelled to him

Kaminari's eyes flew over to their blonde English teacher.


"Read the next passage little listener"

Kaminari read the passage perfectly fine with no problems. Many people would assume he was from America if he couldn't speak Japanese just as well as the rest of them.

In this AU Kaminari is actually born in America but moved to Japan when he was 10. You learn a lot of English in just 10 years.

The reason Kaminari knows Japanese is because his parents are Japanese and Japanese was the home language.

But Kaminari had to learn Kanjis so he has trouble reading and writing in Japanese. Speaking is fine but reading and writing is what's hard for him.

When Kaminari finished he could hear a few in the class whispering hurtful things. He'd always ignored them and that's what he continued to do.

Present Mic just called on the next person and had them read as well. The class went on similarly to normal classes. Though Present Mic had noticed that his little listener was in a bad mood.

So when class was over Present Mic put a hand on his shoulder and said "Come here during break please little listener. I need to talk to you."

All Kaminari said was "Sure"

Ok guys thats all sorry for not posting for a while. I've been procrastinating I'm sorry. I'm starting school on Wednesday. I hope you've enjoyed this chapter and stay safe!

Word Count: 1118
Date published: August 8th 2021

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