Promise! (Not a chapter)

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Ok. Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in a while my house is getting renovated and I needed some time to get back into school! There is a some what of a summary at the bottom. 

So this is named promise because I have a promise! I will post the next chapter on September 14th

The reason why the 14th is because it's my BIRTHDAY!!! and I want to give myself a birthday gift of no more procrastinating! I will say though that I will post chapter nine whether it's got 1000+ words or not. So the chapter might be short or it might not be. 

Also I could use some title names for this because "Our Nights" seems more like it focuses on the past but it really doesn't so I need a title change and I have no clue what to change it to. 

Too long/Don't care/I'm lazy/I just scroll: 

Next chapter   September 14th, 

Why?     My birthday. 

How long is the chapter?   IDK,

Title names?   Yes anything's fine just something appropriate. 


Date: September 8th 2021

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