Chapter 5 - School

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Recap(Hitoshi's POV):

I carried Denki to the bathroom and cleaned him and myself up. I brought Denki to his bed and tucked him in. Then I changed the sheets of my bed and found more of the same sheets underneath.

The sheets underneath were untouched by our mess. I put the sheets in the bathtub and cleaned them.

When I finished I climbed into bed with Denki and fell asleep with him. 


Kaminari's POV:

I woke up feeling sore. I was absolutely sore. But I wasn't complaining. I had one of the best nights ever. The only thing that could rival it was the first time I did it with Toshi. But that was a sad thing cuz he left before I woke up so if I wasn't undressed it would seem like a dream. 

But in front of me was Toshi. He didn't leave. A few tears slipped down my face. It felt silly to cry but... I don't know.

Toshi woke up. When I moved to wipe my tears away.


Hitoshi's POV:

I had been awake probably for 30 minutes now. I couldn't bring myself to leave the bed. I didn't know it but I'm pretty sure I gave Denki separation anxiety. 

I felt him shift in the bed. I opened my eyes and saw him wiping away tears. I was immediately worried but then I saw a smile. Now I was confused. 

He saw that I was awake. He started to roll over and get out of the bed. I got up too. I walked rather smoothly over to his closet and got dressed. I got dressed into the uniform. I looked over at Denki's side of the room and saw that he wasn't there. 

I walked to the door and unlocked it. I wasn't going to leave I just wanted to unlock it so that people could get in. I waited a few minutes and Denki came out of the bathroom. How did he manage to get into the bathroom without me noticing?

I didn't notice anything different about him. Except his face was definitely rosier. I lifted an eyebrow and he just came closer and kissed me on the cheek. He held my hand and opened the door.

We both left the dorms and Denki grabbed a granola bar from the kitchen, while I decided to go for the protein bar. He gave me a funny look but rolled his eyes and skipped over to the elevators. I walked behind him.

He clicked on floor 1 and the elevator started going down. We ate our bars and it didn't take long for the elevator to open again. Denki had finished his in the elevator and threw the wrapper out in the trash can next to the elevator. I quickly finished the last few bites and threw out the wrapper in the same bin. 

There wasn't that many people around us and like Era- Aizawa-Sensei said they all thought that I was just a new student. They didn't know that I was a villain. 

Some looked at Denki confused but he just skipped along down the hall. Soon we were in front of Class 2-A. 

He opened the door and stepped inside. I came in after him and we let the door close by itself.

Aizawa-Sensei was already at his teaching stand and the class was already here. Aizawa-Sensei sighed "I know that tardiness is a normal thing for you but did you really have to drag him to be tardy too?"

I looked at him and he just out his innocent face on and walked to his seat. I was left standing up at the front of the room. I walked next to Aizawa-Sensei and said "Good Morning. My name's Aizawa Hitoshi, and I just transferred into this class"

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