Chapter 7

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~5 days left~

I woke up to complete silence. I looked at the battery-operated clock on my wall and it said it was a little after 2 pm. I sat up and stretched while looking out the window. There are no signs of people outside at all whatsoever. I knew that this would happen eventually but not this soon. People spent all of Sunday evening and yesterday morning bunkering down and getting the needed supplies for these next few days. Windows and doors are boarded shut and homes have been abandoned. It's basically a ghost town outside. I've seen stuff like this in movies or read about it in books, but I never thought I would have to actually experience it.

I remembered a book I read a few months ago. It was about a lonely guy who found out the world was ending. He was honestly kind of a bummer considering the fact that he was the main character. Typically, the mc isn't supposed to be such a pessimist, but this guy was. He got on my nerves. The guy constantly complained about how he didn't want anything to do with anyone else because he didn't want to be disappointed and blah blah blah. I expressed my negative feelings towards this character to Kuroo once, but he just laughed and walked away. He never did explain what was so funny.

Long story short, the character meets someone and eventually falls in love despite his feelings. Completely by luck, the world didn't end and he was able to live long and happily with the love of his life. The end was utterly disappointing. It was so unrealistic and I couldn't believe I had actually spent the time to read it. You can't just magically fall in love with a stranger you just met. And even if you did, it would be ridiculous to act on it since the world is ending. I scowled at just the thought of something so cliché.

I got up and changed into a different pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I don't plan on doing much today. I'm still so exhausted from yesterday. Then I remembered.

Bokuto. There is a stranger sleeping on my couch. I'm assuming everyone is still sleeping since I don't hear any noise. I went across the hall to brush my teeth and my hair. When I was finished I started to walk towards the living room. I stopped after a few steps though. Why do I feel nervous? What if Bokuto isn't in there anymore? Maybe he left while everyone was asleep. Or maybe Kuroo killed him in the middle of the night, I wouldn't put it past him honestly. I decided to check on Bokuto later and instead I turned around to check on Kenma and Kuroo.

When I got to their bedroom, I knocked on the door. When I didn't hear a reply I opened the door a little bit and peered inside. I opened the door to see an empty room. No one is in there. Maybe they're in the living room? I shut the door and made my way back down the hall. I turned the corner into the living room and saw an interesting sight.

Bokuto was sitting awkwardly in a chair; Kenma and Kuroo were across from him on the couch. Bokuto now had a hoodie on instead of the t-shirt from last night; one of Kuroo's of course. Kenma had an amused smirk on his face while he ate a bowl of cereal. I looked at Kuroo to see him staring daggers into Bokuto. Bokuto was trying hard to avoid eye contact and he was obviously uncomfortable. Kenma looked up at me first and I knew exactly what to do. I calmly walked into the room like normal and sat in the chair next to Bokuto. 

"Good morning, Keiji." Kenma said sounding way too formal. I smirked. Kenma and I lived for fucking with Kuroo. But now we have Bokuto to tease too.  The two others finally noticed me and both of their demeanors changed. Kuroo cleared his throat and tried to look more casual, and Bokuto looked a lot calmer.

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