[Chapter 1] YOU LITTLE SH-

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Cussing, A LOT OF IT.

(POV) Tommy


Connor stole my fucking gapples- I was suppose to get Tubbo a few for- whatever- 

I hear Connor in the distance, yelling "TOMMY I ALREADY DROPPED THE APPLES LEAVE ME ALONE!"

"YOU LITTLE SH-" I see the golden apples on the ground.


I watch Connor run away until I can't see him in my render distance.

"What a pussy."

As the chat spam random shit, I start walking to Tubbo. The journey wasn't that interesting, well it wasn't that interesting considering the fact that I've done this many times before.

While I spoke to chat, I hear someone yelling from the distance.


I yell back "HELLO?"

I see Tubbo running up to me so incredibly slow, he is very slow, not pog.

"Tubbo I got you your g-"

"Tommy, come, I've got a little problem."

I snort a bit after Tubbo said that, then I start following him, trying to keep up.

We make it to Snowchester, nothing seems out of the ordinary..

I look at Tubbo and see a serious expression on his face, the last time I saw him like this was.. when Tubbo gave Dream the discs..

I quickly go place an enderchest down and check to see if the discs are still there..
Cat, Mellohi, they're all there. Good. I mine the enderchest, then start running to where Tubbo is.

I walk inside the mansion to see Tubbo talking to Ranboo. 

"What's the important shit you were talking about Tubbo? All I see is Big R-"

"I would rather prefer to not be called Big R- I believe I already stated that-"

Tubbo and Ranboo both walk up to me, Ranboo looking at me with a calm, yet cold expression.


What they said, I will never forget.

"Tommy. Let's be the bad guys."

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