[Chapter 18] ⍀⟒☊⍀⎍⟟⏁⋔⟒⋏⏁

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(POV) Dream

One, Two, Three, Four.

Sam's gonna open the prison door.

Five, Six, Seven, Eight

'Your life is on the line Dream, i'll make this straight'

Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve 

'Give me the information, or i'll get it myself'

Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifthteen, Sixteen

The torture I face is never seen.

Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty

Because of what he's done, Quackity's the one i'll forever envy.










My clock, my clock, only my clock, my clock keeps me company, yes, until the numbers start, I don't like the numbers.

It's almost time for the numbers to start. Quackity will be here.

One, Two, Three, Four.
Sam's gonna open the prison door.


Sam didn't open the door..? Is Quackity not here..? 





"One, two, three, four.. one, two, three, four.. one, two, three, four.. o-"

The lava is flowing down, Quackity is late. But.. Quackity is never late. Wait.. that's not Quackity.. 


Oh no..



"Hello Dream."

Oh no.. no.. no.. I see Ranboo crouch down, I close my eyes in fear. Is he going to hit me?


I open my eyes a bit and see that Ranboo has a.. healing potion?? How did he get it in??

"Take it."

What if it's poisonous? I don't want to die.. but i'm already close to dying.. might as well.




I didn't die.

I try speaking, "wh- why are you-"

I'm suddenly hit, and I fall backwards. No, no, no, no..

"Sorry.. I had to get that outta my system."

I feel weak.

"Now then, let's talk."

No.. no more..

"You've done some really messed up stuff, Dream."

I don't remember what i've done..

"To Tommy, To Tubbo, To Me.. To everyone."

I'm.. sorry..?

"In the past, if given a chance like this, I probably would've killed you if I weren't such a coward."

No.. no killing.. no..

"But i've changed a lot since you've been in here."

I don't remember a lot.. I see his hand move closer to me, I flinch backwards and start tearing up. I feel his hand on my head. Don't.. hurt me.. please..

"I can tell you've changed a lot too. I look at you now, and I don't see the gears turning in your head, plotting some new scheme."

What does he mean..?

"I see a frail, scared little man, trapped in an obsidian box."


"Dream. You've become me."

"I.. erm..-"

"-and its come to my attention that someone else has become you."


"I wasn't here during the first wars, but everyone here had something horrible happen to them as a result."

I. don't. remember.

"People have just started to recover, and i'm not letting history repeat itself again. I'm stopping this before it starts."

I'm interested in this, I might not remember much, but I do remember a bit, so I ask, "How? He's clever ya know. He's not going to stop just because you ask."

I see the memory boy smile, "Which is why i'm gonna give him a deal he can't refuse. I have something he wants, whether he admits it or not."

"And what would that be?"

I see two cards.. how.. how did he..

"How did-?"

Ranboo cuts me short by saying, "We talked to Sam, and we agreed that your time spent, along with what you've been through is enough to cover most of your crimes."

This can't be..!

"You're getting me out of here??"

"I'm getting you parole, Dream. On two conditions."


"You behave, and you help us with a little project."


"Afterwards, you can do whatever. I honestly don't care."

"But Techno-"

"Techno isn't coming."


"None the wiser."


I have no other choice do I..

"Come on ⍜⌰⎅ ☍⟟⋏."

What did he s-

"⋔⍜⏁⊑⟒⍀ ⋔⟟⌇⌇⟒⌇ ⊬⍜⎍. Don't you want to be free?" He puts his hand out.







One, two, three, four.. i'll finally escape from the prison's doors.







I take his hand.

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